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Wesly ツ

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Wesly ツ last won the day on June 12 2018

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About Wesly ツ

  • Birthday 07/18/2001

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    : driving your ifrit

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  1. big baby L
  2. Isn't this Samuel Jackson?
  3. Wesly ツ


    Yeah, join APD instead
  4. 1910 Overland Model 38 got about 100 miles on it before it broke down.
  5. Pretty sure he means in real life
  6. Literally that was one fight that we hopped off because people didn't want to fight that night. (usually I'd say something about plague mass logging 20 for east forest/windmill cartel but it didn't happen that night, we all just wanted to hop off, no shame in that...) Idk if plague is EU but most of them tend to hop on when our gang has been playing the whole day.
  7. Astro fights, we're looking for another gang that will Elusive does but cartel life can't be run by 2 gangs fighting.
  8. I agree with this, but currently, the solutions in play to give incentive haven’t got to the point of too much, yet. There are still things that could be added to fix cartels before an entire revamp is needed. although I’m on board for that exile server, I would dono for that.
  9. So basically, montages are dying off... as “cartel life is dying” but gang life isn’t. That’s agreeable. So, give incentive for cartel fighting, and getting in gangs such as small ones and moving up, and montages will live again.
  10. I’m onboard for money instead of warpoints, I’d just like to see what people think. I would definitely prefer personal paychecks for people who are online and in ownership of the cartels, I might make a new thread with this exact idea so people can vote properly. Added a new vote, sorry if you’ve already voted.
  11. This seems like two gangs could farm the upcap This^
  12. +1, that seems easy to implement as well as easy on performance which is big Pay in cash or warpoints? I think that my idea should be reduced based on the amount of players on the server so people don’t hop on to farm. the more players, the more payout.
  13. Something I thought was neat was the concept of: capping cartel and owning it for like 25 minutes and a gang tries to snag it so you don’t get the points after the timer this is major do-or-die incentive to push a cartel, something that is needed in Olympus.
  14. So I thought of an idea to reward people that fight cartels, and give an incentive to make people want to fight cartels. Basically, with 2 or more cartels (or all four), you receive warpoints every time interval (of course a small amount over time, but something worth capturing 2 or more over time). This would allow more people to want to fight these cartels, and cause the gangs who hold these to push and keep these cartels, adding an attack and defense incentive. (You have to be online on the server to get these points) I just need ideas about how to deal with the time intervals and the amounts. (I'm thinking an hour or every 30 minutes when you own one). Pros: more fights more warpoints activity of civ cons: warpoints can be excessive or not wanted (this can be changed) small servers farming please add ideas if you disagree.
  15. You only get points for being online when you control it, and on the server, let’s say like 2-3 every hour, that way there’s a reason to own them maybe make it so you only get points if you have 2 or more cartels, then there will definitely be fights.
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