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Wesly ツ

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Everything posted by Wesly ツ

  1. Lmao
  2. I’d say the results are pretty conclusive. Personally, I think the mk14 is the best overall, second to the mk1. Pros: -it has the best range (according to credible sources) -its third person spray causes enemies to switch servers -tap shots in first person are sweet and reliable -nice sound -DMR from DayZ look Cons: Magazine capacity is low, and fire rate is high. You have to be conservative with mags when getting a feed looks like a paki weapon (especially with an arco) First person spray is donkey aids medium penetration Weapon Camos lack in variety.
  3. The mk14 also has horrendous range, that and the ak12. The third person spray is op IMO
  4. I’m getting blue blocking glasses because I have 7000 hours on steam and the next 7000 will be safe for my eyes if I have those glasses on Also a gaming chair
  5. Don’t say that word.
  6. Respectable, I think that the mk14 is better with a third person spray though, it’s fire rate is supreme. the mk14 is a taki weapon when aiming down sights though
  7. Respawned on cartel and gun glitched so you have to choose between the two because you kept your mags. the best player is the most reliable in all situations with all disadvantages.
  8. You’re sitting on window rocks at OG, there’s going to be an ifrit dropping on you and there are players on Star and windmill/vendor. Which weapon and why? I know that Olympus cults for the MK1 but there are other 7.62s that two shot and I’d like to see which one is preferred.
  9. o7
  10. Getting this closed, it’s sold. @Fusah
  11. I can't tell you a song to use but I can suggest that you don't use a super popular rap song that just comes out unless you can edit because people will all be using it and it won't make yours original. Also, when the song falls off, as popular rap does, people won't want to come back and listen. Suggestion (imo): Use a song that you can listen to, whether or not its popular, the main basis is personal preference.
  12. Not gonna lie, this is one of those really good skins that need to be added
  13. Yeah, I take back what I said about giving it to vigis, I was unaware of the damage it has... I assumed it was an advanced string 9mm Yikes.
  14. I think it would be a cool vigi and cop weapon +1
  15. Devil’s advocate, I believe strongly against the prowler or quilin. I see a better role play aspect of civilians driving around turbo hatchbacks and the ugly sister, the SUV. (It keeps the population on the roads, which is what role play should be, off-roading shouldn’t be commonplace until you have to.) That being said, as a cartel fighter, a smaller aspect of me likes the prowler and quilin, but I think the bulletproof wall that you’re allowed to drive around in is just too unfair, not only that, it’s unfair to cops who can’t shoot through it. Sure it makes it so they have to aim, but it’s simply just too unfair for them when rebels can shoot through at some angles. Cops already have the armor and head armor disadvantage. also enemy gang vigis that roll around shooting you out of driver from the gunner seat of a quilin is an idea from the depths of hell. Also, the hatch and SUV have penalties for driving off-road like a monkey, the quilin and prowler do not. They actually benefit you if you hit a hill with turbo 4.
  16. Sorry if it seems fishy, I made it half asleep and I can promise that you can't get IPs through steam or else I wouldn't feel safe posting something from my own Steam. Also, sorry about not having any screenshots, I am currently busy but I will post some in a bit so that you don't just have to guess what kind of practice it is. Thanks. Ok, I have some basic screenshots if it helps, I wanted to post the actual screenshots from the workshop but they were too large so I had to screenshot the screenshots.
  17. So as a cartel fighter, I'd like to work on my ability to shoot someone out of a pilot's seat. Therefore, I spent 30 minutes on a workshop scenario in which I could do exactly this. No strings attached. Here's the link to the workshop. Please leave any criticism if you feel necessary, I'd like to improve it. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1580719165 Oh yeah, it is set at OG cartel. Most of all guns available on olympus are set with a variety of scopes.
  18. MoreThanYourAmount^2^2¥ Yeah, I won.
  19. MoreThanYourAmount¥
  20. Looking to get rid of it, don't need it. Accepting all offers.
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