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Olympus Plus
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Everything posted by crush

  1. crush


  2. people that only play to get you banned @ kny @ XTC
  3. My man gl with everything
  4. @ ViiRuS @ Olsson peace offering
  5. I think most people are aware that advanced rebel is lacking in terms of the value it brings to a civ so I think this is a step in the right direction. This would be a pretty significant change as T4 vs T3 is no joke when it comes to ballistic protection, I could see that being a bit of an issue if they were as accessible as just making them stackable as of right now. In my opinion something else needs to change if this were to be put in place that would make them worthwhile AND fair, increasing price comes to mind or making a variant only purchasable with war points might be an idea.
  6. take GLM out of your gang you clown you were kicked for being shit
  7. how the fuck do you get 7 xians
  8. cant believe this mutant is still getting airtime
  9. Documents > arma 3 > arma3.cfg set 'GPU_MaxFramesAhead' to 1 Edit: you'll also need to set the above in your GPU control panel Disable shadows and consider using PPAA over FSAA (post-process anti-aliasing instead of full screen anti-aliasing which is a lot more intenstive, you can't make use of the alpha to coverage for better trees / bushes though but saves a lot of performance, I personally use CMAA) Set your view distance to somewhere around 2000 as you should never really need more than that and use fast terrain for when PVPing
  10. Damn I hurt you bad huh?
  11. scam, do NOT trust this guy
  12. this might be the greatest post I've ever seen
  13. crush


    best of luck in life dude. hopefully see you back soon.
  14. it is categorically exploiting
  15. crush#1337
  16. crush

    WTB Tasers

    so you don't want Mk1?
  17. crush

    1 x AT Offroad

  18. crush

    1 x AT Offroad

  19. DM offers or discord crush#1337
  20. goodbye caloom 19 inch cock what will the females do without you
  21. crush


    calling all spinners to go and grind COD
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