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RustyBeerCan last won the day on May 21 2020

RustyBeerCan had the most liked content!


About RustyBeerCan

R&R Medic

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. I never knew you personally. But the effort that you put into RnR and the dedication to your position gives you my respect. Good luck on any future endeavors. I tip my hat to you o7
  2. Hands down the best
  3. You land helis on top of buildings, I land them on the side. We are not the same
  4. Me after finding out Nerdy is a racist.
  5. Close to the vehicle shop
  6. Hm?
  7. God speed o7
  8. My point wasn’t that all cops were bad. It’s that most cops don’t rp, and the Vic’s are only like that because most cops literally just want the money and the arrest. I’m not saying all, but most. And the other part is, civilians actually have a bunch of money and time to lose if they get caught by the cops, cops dont. Unless you crash your heli or get 3:1 then you have nothing to lose. So u also have to understand that. And I’m not saying cops have to hard rp every situation, but cops should be held to a higher standard of rp. And I can almost promise you that if more cops were like you where you don’t take their weapon or raise ticket prices, people would be more likely to rp and wouldn’t mind stopping for a traffic stop.
  9. I’ll add my 2 cents on this one. MOST cops in Olympus will robo cop their way through and not rp at all just because it’s about money, and if they have to sit there for 10 mins and rp, that takes 10 mins away from them that they could be catching another bounty or drug runner. But, cops are the funnest faction to rp with just because you’re tied up with them and basically forced to talk to them anyways. So even if it is the same story of their grandpas WW1 gun, who really cares? It makes the experience funnier and better for them and u don’t lose anything. U will pretty much never see a medic rp a situation unless there is a ton of revives to get to and they’re low staffed. And also, for a faction that doesn’t have anything to lose in terms of money, cops take the faction waaay to seriously, and I’ve personally seen cops cry like children when they all get killed at drug pro and lose a drug bust. It’s honestly kinda sad. I think cops should be forced to rp every situation, not heavy rp, but not just ignore someone until they shut up so you can speed the process up. And yes, it is a light rp server but, in my opinion that really only applies to civilians. Factions should be forced to rp at least a bit more than civilians because they kind of represent the server to new players. Anyways, since u made it to the end of this book. Have a cookie
  10. Can u post screenshots of kav houses
  11. You just sealed this mans fate to ever buy a taser.
  12. RustyBeerCan


    Bro if anyone is selling MX's at the price yall say u sell them at. Hit my line.
  13. "They open the server up when server 1 is full and during high pop hours". Me who's been sitting here for 45 mins trying to get into the server.


    1. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      s2 is a myth, it never existed

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