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About Y A Y O

  • Birthday 11/15/2003

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. I believe (assuming you are American) that claiming you have never, nor plan on, voting for a presidential candidate, is arguably worse than voting for the "wrong" one. Independence, war, death, and a lot of blood, were spent to ensure that you would be able to vote. To throw it away is to say fuck you to civil liberties, to say fuck you the everything that has ever been fought for in this country. You might claim to be independent, but you surely pick a side by picking no side.
  2. def isNum1 (int x) -> { if x == 2{ } hah heres some c #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/un.h> #include <sys/select.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/select.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <termios.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> int a,b,c,d,e,f,h,i,j,k,l,m,n;fd_set p[1],q;struct{int A,B,C,D,E, F ,G,H,I,J,L,K;}w ,x;r(int r){return b=r,FD_ISSET(r,p);}enum{u=V*( 11 *W +5)+16};t( int t){FD_SET(t,&q);}struct sockaddr_un A, B,*D,C={ . sun_family=1}; char v[u];unsigned int E=sizeof(B),F= sizeof( x );char*I="\e" "[0m\e[2J\e[0;0H",*K,*L=&C.sun_path, *M,*J = "\e[0;30;40" "m \0\e[0m\n\0#!/bin/cat\n\e[1A",N; O(){ n= 0;while(++n< 9)*(n+L)=rand()%13+65;t(b=socket(1 ,2 ,0 ));n=bind(b, b==4?&B:&C,E);}struct timeval y,z ;H ( ){recvfrom(b ,&w,F,0,&A,&E),a=w.A;}Q(){close ( 4) ;fopen(K,"r" ) &&(read(4,v,u),close(4),unlink (K ) ),O();b=3;}P ( int P){strcat(v,J+P);}G(int G ){ x. A=G;D=G<5?0: G ^8?&B:&A;return sendto(b,G^3 ? & x:&w,F,0,D,! ! D*E);}struct termios o;main ( int F,char**D){n = 0;for(P(18);n++<V;P(12))// ! b+12 for(b=0;b++< W ;)P(0);if(F==2)for(K=D[1 ], t(0), srand(getpid ( )),strcpy(L,K),B=C,*L=s , x.J=44, O(),Q(),G(6);F ++-4;)for(tcsetattr(1, 0, (//IOCCC tcgetattr(1,&o ),o.c_lflag^=g,&o));F -4 ;) {//2019 gettimeofday(& y,0);n=y.tv_usec;m|| ( m =(3<<19 )+n);z.tv_usec =(m-n)%999999;b=3; *p =q ;select (5,p,0,0,&z)|| (x.E^=1,G(9),m=0) ; r( 0)&&(b= 3,read(0,&N,1) ,N%=65,34^N||(x. D= x. D%6+1), N^47&&N^43||(x .J=N==x.J?x.E=0 , G(10 ),44:N) ,N<4&&(x.E=0,G (9),x.F+=N==2& (x .F-=N ==3&&x. F)!=W-3,x.G+=N ==1&(x.G-=! N && x.G)!=V -3,x.E= 1),x.J^43&&(x. H=x.F,x.I=x . G),G(9), 48^N||( x.E=0,G(9),G(7 )));if(r(4 )) if(H(),a^6 )if(a^5 )while(++b<=c) G(3);else x .K=v[w.L],b =w.B,G( 4);else/*O()*/ connect( (O (),x.C=b),&A ,E),b>c &&(c=b),G(1) ; if(r(3) ) if(H(),a^2){ a ||G(6), a^1||(x.B=w.C, x.D||(x. D=x.B%6+1),x. L ||G(5)) ,a^4||(v[x.L++] =w.K, x. L<u?G(5):printf ( "%s%.*" "s\r \e[97mmod" "e:" , I,u-6,v));if(a==7) if(x.B^ 5||close(w.B),w.B==x.B ){if(x.B==5)for(/**/ unlink( K),write(creat(K,511 ),v,u),b=5;++b<=c;)if (G(2)+1 )for(H();++b<=c;)G( 0);printf(I);break;}if (a>8)// for(d=w.F,e=w.G,f =w.H,h=w.I,a=w.E,i=d<f?1 :-1,j=( f-d)*i,k=e<h?1:- 1,l=(h-e)*k,n=(j>l?j:-l)/ 2;M=34+ (v+(e+1)*(5+W * 11 )+d*11) ,47^w.J&&43^w . J|w.A ^ 10||(*M=w.D+ 48 ),*(M-3 )=w.D*(w.D +48!=*M)+48,*(M-6)=w.E*7+48,*(M+2)=a?42:32 , printf("" "\e[%d;%dH%.11s\e[%d;%dH\e[0;4%dm%c%s%s",e+2, d+2,M-8 ,V,8,x.D,x.J+65,I+8,J),f^d|e^h;)(b=n)>-j&&(n-=l ,d+=i) ,b<l&&(n+=j,e+=k),a=0;fflush(stdout);}else//d+=i 0+ Q( ) , G (6 ), G( 8) ; }}
  3. int = randnum(1-6) if num == 6: sys.delete(windows32)
  4. this is the same as a vegan i double down on burgers and steaks just to make sure I beat a vegan
  5. if you’re going to shoot it at least kill someone with it rookie mistake bud
  6. They honestly might be in shock of how everything happened so fast; I know I would be. Just the thought of something happening to someone from one instance to the next is so scary and hard to comprehend.
  7. Fully insured + chrome lmk
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