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vedalkenn last won the day on October 4 2021

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About vedalkenn

  • Birthday 11/07/2001

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  1. Well it was a good run for Trump, no hate on either side it was honestly a close election. But unless a recount in WI goes through Trump has no more chance at winning this year. Even then I still don't know if he'd come through, well it seems we've got Biden till 2024.

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    2. Vcx


      People can say this is just trump supporters crying but if this was happening on trumps side they'd be saying the same thing or doing even worse they already stabbed 4 trump supporters in DC sooo I mean everyone has the right to be mad at the left and it looks rigged af no matter what anyone says. The voting also should've stopped when election day was over with like it always has in american history because that stops anyone from cheating and stuff like this happening there is a reason why rules are in place 

    3. Slav


      @Vcx This actually does looked rigged af. If there was foul play in the election then it is clear Trump will come out ahead. But at the end of the day, it's up to the courts to decide. The last major election fraud I remember was 2000 in Missouri, St. Louis.

    4. vedalkenn


      2 hours ago, Horizon said:

      they getting ur hopes up so y'all still think u matter

      My hopes aren't up, I wasn't even attempting to talk shit on it. I was just stating what I thought was going to happen as much as I'd like for Trump to win rather than Biden at the moment it's unlikely.

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