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Everything posted by Skar

  1. Go back to kavala kid and get off the forums you don’t belong here
  2. Buy me some pizza papi
  3. Yeah idk what he’s talking About lmao
  4. After 5 minutes engagement is over if no texts are received after engaging you again
  5. I play Olympus because people aren’t pussies and actually fight and don’t sit their and complain. I like making money and I like killing people especially the pigs . And I can do what ever the fuck I want which is fun
  6. Yeah honestly if I complete a fed I’d store all my gold in my house and wait for the heat to die down
  7. I’ve been unbanned a few times I’m pretty lucky
  8. How much Likeeeeeeee 3m
  9. 800k
  10. Skar

    Cop tazers

    Ok I’ll om u when I’m on
  11. Who the fuck cares about rep LMFAOOO
  12. Skar

    Cop tazers

  13. Skar

    Cop tazers

  14. Skar

    Cop tazers

  15. Skar

    Cop tazers

    I’ll pay 1m Deal I’ll pm you when I’m on the server
  16. Skar

    Cop tazers

    It’s already sold Ok so how much lmao
  17. Skar

    Level 5 vest

  18. Skar

    Cop tazers

    How much for mx’s How much How much for type
  19. Skar

    Cop tazers

    How much for mk
  20. Skar

    Cop tazers

    What ones
  21. Skar

    Cop tazers

    Does anyone have cop tazers for sale
  22. Skar

    WTS armed qililn

    Quillins are getting removed who ever is buying this is getting scammed lmao
  23. You need to go
  24. He said watch the end smart one you too
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