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About MrNasty

  • Birthday 03/06/2003

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  • Arma 3 Player ID
  • Olympus Gang
    Hills Are Alive
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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Type 115 taser, how much?
  2. Mk1 taser, how much?
  3. Wb 6 10 year olds
  4. @NokiaStrong I just started using this. So I sold my stuff. Is that spamming. Spamming would be considered useless topics
  5. Yeah. I can take one later. But @NokiaStrong how am I “spamming to forums” @rabeed It’s got 1300 Virtual Storage & 300 Physical Storage. It’s about 700m away from the exact air garage.
  6. Giving it up for 2.3 Mil.
  7. Twitch.Tv/overcross_
  8. I’ll be offering these separately for 250K per Taser. But If you buy both I’ll sell them for 450K.
  9. Hello, I submitted an application for APD, but I never met the requirements for time. But I had soon realized that I had played and definitely exceeded 28 hours of playing time, but I had to reinstall Arma 3 due to some technical difficulties. I had thought that my old time would carry over, but as show it doesn't. Please reconsider the application as I have playing over 28 hours.


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. KrispyK


      I have redownloaded Arma and I still have everything.

    3. MrNasty


      Thats because you have not cleared you ID cache. You redownloaded it when there was no problem with it, therefor you never needed to delete your ID cache. Since it would crash every time I opened it, I had to delete my ID cache so it would run properly.

    4. Airborne
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