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Lead Developer
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Everything posted by Fraali

  1. o7 @ Doc  
    Was great having you around, you did great work and helped make the server what it is today.

    Sad to see you go, but hopefully you'll still stick around in the community.

  2. PSA to Profiling Branch users:
    The latest Profiling version v21 has significant issues with lowering FPS over time, and some excessive RAM usage.
    If you experience issues with low FPS, consider turning off profiling build until a fix is made, and/or you can manually downgrade using v20 from Bohemia Interactive's official Google Drive.

    For those who do not already know - I would only recommend doing this if you know what you're doing, this is not a guide to install it;
    Arma Profiling is a version of Arma that has experimental performance changes. The current v20 is stable, and is not known to have any issues at this time.
    Its basically just a drag/drop and rename of the Arma3_x64.exe (Default location is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3)

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Step 1 Acknowledge that this is not a guide

      Step 2 Provide guide

    2. grooovy
    3. batGooseCan


      Appreciate your dedication to keeping us up to date on all the new game issues 😊

  3. In actuality its much different. To go more in depth about why we won't do kill cams: The functions that would allow people to view something like this are completely blocked due to potential exploits from cheaters. The reason it can be done externally with logs is due to allowing the functions/commands outside of the main server. This would also require somehow replicating 1:1 player movement, view angle, ammo, health, bullet paths, etc. on separate entities that aren't actually players. This is difficult to do due to object states changing over time, and being unable to change all of these things locally without affecting server-state along with MAJOR network desync/lag creation due to current Arma net throughput limitations . Outside of server, we don't have to worry about changing server state, or affecting network, thus can be replicated near 1:1 from logs (still isn't perfect due to some other limitations not mentioned). If you think I don't want to implement something because it would ban cheaters, you really misunderstand what I do on this sever. If I allowed people to cheat on the server, I wouldn't have spent countless hours creating the Anti-Cheat that we have. It's not perfect and never will be, but it's done using an in-game language without access to engine commands or the ability to read memory, in addition to it just being a game of cat and mouse. They find an exploit, I find a fix, then they find a way around that fix, and I try to guess what they did so I can fix it again. In the end, don't think we allow cheaters on the server. Report them. You can either submit a player report, or to me directly in DM's with any of kind of proof or suspicion. The people that get reported to me, I will always look into. Most of the time people complaining about cheaters are just wrong, however there have been times where they were spot on that they were cheating.
  4. Short answer: Technically, yes. Long answer: The server wont be implementing something like this due to network, performance, and some other conflicting issues that are near impossible to resolve.
  5. If you've got someone that's cheating, publicly broadcast it if you have proof, submit a player report on it, or PM me directly, up to you. If no one says anything, there's a less of a chance we know. As I've said I don't know how many times, 90% of my time spent on this server is dealing with cheaters. I don't like cheaters. I don't care who you know or who you are, if you're cheating and I know, you're not playing our server.
  6. Just to address a few points, cause this gets brought up more frequently recently. If you have an issue with bias, please do submit a staff IA. There have been a few recently that have been submitted, acknowledged, and the staff members have been reprimanded as well as their tickets being watched to ensure proper responses. Admins allowing people to cheat? If you know of someone cheating, they will get banned. If you know of a staff member who isn't banning someone even though they know they are cheating, I will personally remove them. That shit is not okay. People that only play to get you banned has always been a thing, and has only been getting worse due to (i think) the "no comp" mentality. I'll just let you know "no comp" means fuck all. If you break a rule intentionally, then regardless of comp, you may still get banned. If you break a rule and its obviously on accident, then there's probably going to be more leniency especially if you try to right your wrong. Proper compensation is when it is equal to or slightly greater than what the player lost. Say you accidentally RDM a naked when you're fighting someone else. They ask for 1m comp. You're not required to give them 1m. If they are naked in kav not doing anything, they lost 15k if they got revived plus the time they spent on the ground. Normally something like 50-100k is fine for this type of thing. Obviously it's going to change dependant on the situation and such. I do know that the Senior Admins do listen to players about this sort of thing, especially if backed up by evidence. I'm not the one who deals with these kinds of reports, though I do take a look and give opinions when I have some time. You really think Ryan actually has much to do with the server other than pop around to make sure we are running the server still?
  7. Not gonna delete the comment cause it doesn't break any rules, however I will be fully transparent on the topic. First off, don't click any links or send money to random people, that's just stupid. Second, I have not and will not entertain any ideas of "buying an unban" or donating to be unbanned. Not only due to the fact that I hate cheaters, but if you've been around long enough to watch other servers allow that kind of behaviour, you will know that it only sows distrust with the community, would lead to false bans just so people would pay to come back, and eventually kill the server. If you get banned that is 100% on you and you should live up to the mistake, not attempting to get out of trouble with bribes.
  8. For your information, "Scripting" is anything to do with cheating. 90% of "hacker" bans are by me. Yes, sometimes they can do a few things before getting banned, but they will be caught regardless due to features I've put in place to prevent it. No anti-cheat is perfect and I've never said what I do is perfect, only that I do catch the majority of cheaters that we have. An anti-cheat is a a wide-spread net in an attempt to catch bad things. Spectating someone to look for cheats is completely different, because I can focus on every movement and action they make. It is very difficult to get away with cheating while having someone watch you. (I've already spectated each member of that gang separately for over a week) At this point you won't believe me regardless of what I say, so its neither here nor there I guess.
  9. The guy who RDMed you admitted to it, and told you that the vehicle skin didn't render properly in the dispute (Which is a known Arma bug and unable to be intentionally abused). He then proceeded to send you 150k, even though as a medic you wouldn't have lost anything. He tried to right his wrong, and seemingly you just wanted to get back at him. From what I've seen from you lately, it seems like you are targeting people in Nemesis. I love how everything you say is just "everyone is against me, everyone is cheating, staff are biased" no matter where you post or who you are talking about. I have watched the people you are saying are cheating in-game and have used the tools I have. None of the people you have said are cheating, actually were cheating. They would be banned if they were cheating.
  10. You can believe what you want, I have no bias towards or against anyone. I had never seen the video before now, and have no idea who is in it, where my statement stands true no matter who it is. Really can't argue with someone who doesn't understand half the shit I say.
  11. The original video... As in the one you uploaded to this post... I don't think you're understanding exactly whats going on here. You and multiple others stated "hacks". I pointed out it isn't a hack. I have no idea about any report on this video, as it isn't a cheat. It seems more of a case between them exploiting a bug vs coming across it by chance. Its entirely dependant on who used it, and whether they intended it. I did this twice while on cop and had no idea wtf happened, thought I was somehow in god mode and only then clued in after the second attempt that it was linked to an old bug. Not really much we can do to determine if it was the first time it happened from a single video. You call bias, yet none of your videos or situations have any indication of bias at all.
  12. Lmfao looks like old pilot coverall bug is back, throwback to when MC used to abuse that shit. Love when Arma breaks itself and reintroduces a bug from 2016. No, the original video isn't a cheat, this is a bug and has been reported to Bohemia. Fun fact, no, they weren't. I've been around this server since 2014, only became a dev in 2020 and have been seeing everything behind the scenes. It's a known fact that since I've been around, any cheater that is proven to be cheating gets banned immediately with very little chance to come back. Recently we've allowed a few players back because they were banned over 3 years ago. I've said it once and will say it again, some people can and have changed in that time. These players however run under more strict checks than normal players, and are always guilty until proven innocent. Well, this isn't quite true. Battleye isn't the greatest at what it does, and is fairly easily bypassed. That doesn't mean they don't update semi-frequently, and are run on a ban-wave system so as to not give away detection vectors. Infistar is an entirely different system that detects different things. The way infistar detects things is entirely obsolete at this point, and is only good at detecting surface-level/script cheats (in-game added cheats). I personally have made an anti-cheat in Arma over multiple thousands of hours that targets nearly everything that Arma has to offer and have been successful in detecting about 90% of obvious cheaters. Obviously this isn't going to be fool-proof when you have a client-trusted system instead of a server-based service. There's also things that are unable to be detected from what Arma has to offer, not for my lack of trying though. I do appreciate when people submit reports about people they feel are cheating, as they do find people that either got through our radar, or are cheating while they are a known part of the community. When someone gets reported, I look through all their logs, run a few scans I've created over the years, then personally watch them in-game through some work around methods I have to evade their spectating detection. This spectating can last from less than an hour to multiple hours over multiple days, where I've caught people within a few seconds. We try to keep everything fair and true to banning cheaters and not allowing any cheaters back on our server. I am very strict when it comes to scripting bans so our regular players can have decent uninterrupted playtime.
  13. This will not be implemented for various reasons. Staff don't arbitrarily ban people for random reasons. They are required to have proof of situations when they live ban someone to ensure fair use, and when an appeal comes in, other staff will review these videos and can come to a conclusion on if that player is rightfully banned or not. The amount of reports recently that are complaining about false bans is way too high, and every single report aside from one has had a good reason for the ban. If staff were always visible, mass RDMers in kavala wouldn't shoot the identifiable staff. People we try to bait like ban evaders or actual rule breakers would just... never get caught 'cause they would be able to tell who is who. If you avoid a staff member because you're scared of getting banned, that probably means you break rules when you probably shouldn't be. In the end, if you DO have a situation that you feel like you were wronged and your ban appeal was denied, you are able to ask for Senior Staff in a ban appeal/and or submit a Staff IA via the support section. Staff IAs are ONLY visible to senior staff. We have proven that we will deal with staff abusing their privileges dependant on the situation.
  14. Not entirely sure if it actually changes your outbound IP, only forces your connection a different route - so in theory it shouldn't flag as a VPN
  15. The people saying you cant improve your ping aren't quite right; However it entirely depends on where you live. There are programs like ExitLag that forces your connection through their servers instead of going on arbitrary paths. Essentially you connect to an endpoint server by jumping between nodes/servers. ExitLag or similar programs are sometimes able to reduce the amount of jumps and nodes between yourself and the server. Unfortunately you need to buy the aforementioned program, however I believe there is a week trial if you're wanting to give it a shot. (Keep in mind I've not used it myself, but I hear good things about it from people in rural places or when suffering from packet loss)
  16. Someone enlighten me on why decon kits are stupid? Genuinely curious, considering this is the first time I've heard someone complain about it. Generally if a QOL idea gets pitched, we do look into potentially implementing it. If there is a specific reason that we can't implement it, we will always be transparent about it.
  17. Anyone that knows me at all knows that I absolutely hate any kind of cheating. I have spent ungodly amounts of hours spectating and watching potential cheaters, which is sickening to think about in hindsight. Throughout all that time, I've gotten good at determining if someone is cheating or not, however some people use certain techniques to never be caught. There's been a few people I was on the fence about because they were still within the human limits of the game, yet they were global banned shortly after. The reports that are submitted through player reports will always touch my hands at least once and get looked into, and will almost permanently be marked for spectating when possible no matter the decision on the report or what we say in the report. You have to also take into account that, like me, a lot of people that are reported have been around since 2013/2014 and have stupid amounts of hours playing the game and have learned all the small things that most people don't pick up on. Things like whats the most popular run, where do certain gangs or people go, what are the best in-game settings for seeing people, etc etc. As for unbanning cheaters, it's very unlikely for cheaters that we have 100% proof on to get unbanned. There are a few very old known cheaters who currently are able to play the server due to the things they did being over 2-3 years ago. People do change, and they are always checked with what they do in other games, communities, etc before being considered for an unban. In the end, it's a game of cat and mouse, and the mouse will nearly always be ahead of the cat.
  18. ALL STAFF MEMBERS ARE KILL ON SIGHT FOR THE DURATION OF SEPTEMBER Added: Powerball Purchase tickets at any gas station, and see current player chosen numbers with ;ptickets 1 Draw a week on Sunday at 1PM EST 10 tickets available per person per draw 3 numbers plus a PB bonus ball chosen Jackpot does NOT reset if there are no jackpot winners! Billboard in Kavala showing current jackpot and time until draw Emote wheel Default Keybind: Ctrl + O Donator Dance 1 Donator Dance 2 Beat Down (Kick 'em in the nuts!) Taekwondo Pushups Kneedbend Fast Kneebend Slow Pee The Bird SlowMo Point T Pose Idle Hide Briefing Rise from the Dead Star Gazer Sit Cuffed New Stats Due to a major rework of the stat system, some stats may be delayed in getting transferred to the new system Cop lethal bounties received Cop arrest bounties received Vigilante bounties received Lottery Winnings Cash earned from people buying items from medic dope crates Dope crates bought Item Sold Stats Money bags Large paintings Small paintings Fentanyl Actinium Uranium Kill Stats Civilian kills towards Civilians Civilian kills towards Cops Civilian kills towards Medics Cop kills towards Civilians Cop kills towards Cops (Friendly Fire) Cop kills towards Medics Civilian deaths from Civilians Civilian deaths from Cops Cop deaths from Civilians Cop deaths from Cops Medic deaths from Civilian Medic deaths from Cops Gang/Group member friendly fire Cop/Vigilante taser stats 10 second cooldown after being un-tased by anyone 1 minute cooldown after being un-tased from the same person Any tases during cooldowns will not increase stats Group wars Any gang that you are at war with, all your group members are now temporarily at war with Group war players have a slightly lighter red name than regular wars War points are able to be acquired through group wars the same as usual Gun Game Event Every 1 kill your gun will be upgraded On win, K/D during event will be shown, and will not apply to any regular K/D stats Scopes can be chosen before the event starts Currently 33 weapons in order ASP Mk200 Mar-10 RPK Mk1 Mk18 Mk14 Spar17 Rahim AK12 AKM Type-115 Promet MXM Katiba MX CMR Car-95 Spar-16 TRG Mk20 ADR SDAR AKS Kozlice Vermin Sting PDW2000 Protector Rook 4-five ACP-45 PM Zubr Toggle for legacy cop lethal indicator Auto-switches weapon fire-mode on revive to selected mode on death (Full Auto, Single Fire) Auto-switches weapon scope state on revive to selected mode on death (Zoomed, non-zoomed etc) Event kill notifications Changed: Experimental client and server performance increase War Point Changes Increased maximum gain to 6 Increased maximum loss to 4 Uniforms, Unarmored vests, and Handguns no longer count towards calculation Increased delta for WP gain Major map misc item reduction Map designers removed useless miscellaneous items to increase client performance across the map (Please submit a bug report for any important missing objects or otherwise disimproved areas - this aims to set us up for a cleaner map and designs going forward) Sofia Bank Reworked Features an underground parking area - the parking area gate will only open once the vault bomb has blown, and will then be able to be interacted with via switches at the inside and outside near the gate Interactable bollards have been placed at the top of the ramp to prevent blocking of vehicles inside, and are only able to be interacted with using the interior switch Lowered evidence locker escort vehicle despawn radius on vehicle spawn Updated NLR circle message for rule clarification House lockdown kits can now be used by anyone who has keys to the house Added vigilante arrest count when checking a vigilante's licenses During the infected event, Infected will no longer have their legs break Changed APD escort to have a timer instead of regular messages for holding/spawning Infected event infected start count is now dynamic on how many participants there are Reduced amount of messages when accessing the garage Removed ability to spawn in gang turf while turf is active Moved Kavala Plant airdrop location to solve landing location of airdrop issue Changed "Disable Mine" action to be universal across all explosives and persistent over death/logging out Fixed: Fixed Gang Sheds unable to be repaired Fixed some weapons/armor options not having proper war point values Fixed processing item calculation slightly off Fixed being unable to request medic immediately after dying Fixed medics able to have firefighter gear in events Players able to send their own bones to jail Fixed multiple grammar/spelling errors Casino winnings stat increasing more than intended Weapon attachment duplication bug Multiple rare server side script errors Some client-side script errors Time display on bottom left now displays correct time and date all the time Fixed hummingbird flare claiming and actual flare usage "Already being revived" bug finally fixed Helicopter repair not working properly for some air vehicles Newly bought vehicles will be put in the garage if the spawn position is blocked Fixed an issue with creating and/or disbanding gangs Removed: War Point transfers Hotfix: Fixed loadout prices Legacy lethal toggle Death screen bugging Selling houses kicks Gang Vehicle spawning Cop Y-Inv deleting (We'll make the APD lose money again soon ) Hotfix #?: Fixed death screen not working correctly Fixed "No Gang Affiliation" when dying to cops Fixed stats not syncing properly for cop and medic Fire mode/optic mode now persists on respawn on cop, unhostering using the holster keybind, and during the gun-game event Potentially fixed backpack/clothing inconsistent texturing Respawn Nearest HQ button not closing the death screen Hotfix #??: Script errors regarding city notifications when using different languages Fixed some settings not saving properly Fixed multiple issues with car names and rebinding actions Fixed backpack/texturing issues on respawn for cops + medics Improve player syncing on ESC menu Fixed donor animations not working for some VIP ranks Fixed some spawn points breaking Fixed being able to seize/impound map spawned objects Improved player variables network performance Fixed APD escort Pyrgos dropoff/checkpoint position Fixed armed planes not being able to be claimed Fixed gang base never ending Fixed blackmarket signs not working sometimes Fixed helicopters not despawning with spawned items inside Fixed Powerball draw time to 5 PM EST instead of 12 PM EST Removed new player feedback box Fixed Sofia Bank gates + bollards after vault is fixed RE: Warpoint Trading Recently we’ve had a poll to remove the trading of Warpoints entirely, this isn’t the first time this poll has been initiated. We initiated a 10% tax on trading after the first poll, this had no significant impact in the amount being traded. We have ultimately decided to end it after another community split vote. While this marks an end to direct trading of Warpoints we’ve developed supplementary systems over the years that allow the trading of Warpoint gear, utilizing Warpoints to purchase vehicles, and have tweaked the Warpoint gain to be more familiar to what it was years ago. These systems will hopefully lessen the impact this change would have on the community as a whole. We hope the community is able to understand our decision on this matter, and will be debating further changes that may need to be made in the future. Balance has been and will be our focus towards this system going forward and will be hoping for feedback in the coming months. If you find a bug please submit a report HERE.
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