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Everything posted by Theory

  1. Upraise me baby, just got one @codeyeti dropped it before entering hostage negotiation, so I ran in and snaked it!
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  2. 2Mill for both and I'll throw in a bipod.
  3. Save the helmets for me I'll pay 350k tomorrow, I'm on my phone rn. @bigPat
  4. So how much for Special vests and or big white So how much for Special vests and or big white, and or black csat helmet msg prices for them
  5. Can I have your Olympus moneys ;L o7
  6. @Tb:) I'm waiting for you
  7. @Tb:) Yeah sure, let me finish up my cs game and I'll meet you on s1
  8. Considering it's 50wp, I want 1.45m @G. Max @G. Max I'm willing to go down 1.3, but that's final offer
  9. I have; x2 Lethal Mar-10 x1 Bipod x1 9mm Suppressor x1 6.5mm Suppressor
  10. I'll do 20k each for all of them, but not now, I'm gonna play some cop and make some money
  11. Message offers.
  12. How many are you buying babe, start messaging me http://steamcommunity.com/id/stride4k/ @Invu
  13. Lethal. @Invu If I wanted a tazer I would search for deputy dog and taze him.
  14. Send offers if it's higher than 1.2mill I'll put a Bipod on it. Mags are gonna be eh, 80k each.
  15. I'll do 1.5* It's .50 so opopop @Panera Basically one shotting everyone so 1.5 is fair and square
  16. haters gonna hate but 300 dollars will get you everywhere
  17. 300 Dollars in Olympus money. Good luck Guess a number from 1-50 lul
  18. I would like to know because it's rare, how much would a .50 Type 115 mag go for. You can only find these things at the BW I'm pretty sure
  19. Hospital Security seems interesting, I'm currently sending my application out to a college for Protection, Security and investigation's which would look good on my resume for when I try to enter a Canadian Agency such as Canadian Border Services Agency, but good luck to you man I hope you find a group that would love to have you while you stay here on Olympus and don't forget to have fun, it's a game
  20. Whats the brown stone house? How much inventory?
  21. Theory

    New Sgts

    Housekitty is a sgt now?
  22. oFFER meeeeeeeee
  23. Can I actually see how far it is from moonshine brew
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