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  1. Deft

    sort of o7

    see you tomorrow
  2. add my disc bill#6686
  3. name a price
  4. How much?
  5. SSDs are a Jewish invention and a scam retard
  6. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/sqtD2R 144hz 1080p edit: not run bad in this server, i get 144hz+ in other games i play but im getting 30 fps in gunfights on olympus
  7. just pirate, if u need free the best is davinci resolve
  8. Deft

    i am sorry

    cause i wanted the $ lol
  9. to the person i just spent an hour doing a run with that i shot and betrayed, im sorry u were super nice and kind, but when i saw your back turned i couldnt resist shooting you and taking your cut now i feel really bad sorry
  10. they're still not a "gaming CPU", they're just high end CPUs used for all types of things chief
  11. there are no "gaming CPUs"
  12. salvage or play medic
  13. >”intel cpu (gaming recommended)”
  14. it's fun for me but, i agree that people are bitches sometimes and throw fits over retarded things. god forbid you slip up on the smallest thing, they'll have you in a support room in 4 seconds.
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