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Colin L

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About Colin L

  • Birthday 09/13/2000

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  1. Is impeachment of a civ rep possible?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Colin L

      Colin L

      @DeadPool I dont know if your implying I dont fight cartels, but I have been more active as a civ than you have and I have fought more cartels than you while being in the same gang. 

      You also say that you are finding a compromise yet it seem to me that every time you speak on the fourms it seems to be only from the eyes of a cartel player.

    3. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      Thank you Jesse for saying that, I agree.

    4. DeadPool


      I'm not gonna argue with you. The last few things I'm gonna say, I have been here for 2 years and fought in different cartel play styles. This new version of fighting cartels is scummy and not even fun. I haven't played recently cuz my sleep schedule was fucked and I had to fix it for school. It is hard to find a compromise when everyone tries to go against you rather than help and find a point of agreement. Yes, I understand people do not like that idea of Vigis not allowed on warzone or to camp a gang shed I FUCKING UNDERSTAND I HEARD YOU THE FIRST FUCKING TIME SO GET OFF MY BACK I AM DOING WHAT I CAN WITH WHAT LITTLE I GOT TO HELP THE FUCKING PART OF CIVS. I have told numerous people if you want me to address an idea or an issue submit it to my google doc and I will get it to when I get the staff meeting. Yes I know I did not address everything I said I was going too at the last meeting. Why? I was simply told not too and to wait for the next. I literally have over a 160 replies to one google doc so please fuck off my back or actually try to help me do not get in front of me and tell you are upset with an idea and how you are gonna whine and complain try to help me and help the fucking community to a better place not sit still and bitch. I have said this before and I will say it again I would rather do something to help a little rather do nothing and help nothing. After all, little things can add up to be a big thing with good change. 

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