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About Crazychicken5574

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  1. https://imgur.com/a/8YFFhrH
  2. https://imgur.com/NydLpH2 Give me offers.
  3. 500k
  4. Give me 100 mil, than you will be good.
  5. Fine, $4
  6. “Leathals authorizes” *all seniors look at their ghost hawk” Get ready for all the 1 mil bounties to go to kavala
  7. @BloodmoonSo if we are sucking dick, you must be taking it in the ass. Oh and bloodmoon, no need to show us a photo of your mom at work.
  8. @BloodmoonI have a joke, why can’t Tree win a gang wars? Cause the teams have the same amount of players!
  9. Oh yeah? Explain this https://giphy.com/gifs/WwPaVkjWerviFc0PPY thats a video of your trying to get a deputy demoted
  10. the only reason bloodmoon os mad is cause he was a shit cop and got blacklisted, now is the big bad wolf, only difference is the big bad is a wolf, you are just a prostitute in a wolf costume. Taco, he can’t under stand these big words. Understand*
  11. Nah, if I did you would swallow it...
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