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Posts posted by destruct

  1. Chapter 8: Hostage / Player Robbing

    5. You may not take the same person hostage more then once every 30 minutes.

         1. Exception: If that person initiates engagement first and commits a hostile action towards you after taking them hostage and before the 30 minutes is up, then you may take them hostage again. This does not include the APD.

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  2. Hello Olympus Peoples,

    There will be no rule update, though, let this be a PSA that blowing up enemy gang sheds is allowed.


    Do note, however, that the following will end up getting you banned if you decide to blow up a gang shed by these means:

    - Blowing up a gang shed by means of exploiting will land you an 'exploiting' ban. (Example: Shutting a gang shed door on a vehicle in order for the vehicle to explode)

    - If you blow up the shed by way of ramming it with a vehicle (Example: a plane), and you kill someone inside with the explosion, then that'll land you a 'VDM' ban.

    - If you blow up the shed normally with explosive charges, a suicide vest, etc. and you kill someone inside the gang shed without being engaged to that person, that will land you an 'RDM' ban.


    After your gang shed is blown up, per the recent update, to repair your gang's gang shed, you'll need to pay 1.5 million (not gang money, personal money).

    • Like 9
  3. 3 minutes ago, DeadPool said:

    Am I the only person seeing how badly worded this is???

    Yeah it's not that great


    Make it

    • If you enter the Conquest Event due to pursuing someone in, you may call first wave backup, and can only open fire upon the original party you followed in and other civilians directly engaging the officers.
      1. Exception: The APD may NOT return for a second wave.

    Edited again

  4. Chapter 18: Miscellaneous

    The below rules/guideline are things that do not fit into other areas but still need to be followed.

        12. Usage of multiple accounts by one user at the same time in-game will result in a ban on both (or all) accounts.


    Further Explanation: Basically you can't do runs with 4 alts anymore, having different accounts for rebel/vigi/etc is still allowed.

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  5. Aren't you the same kid that begged me to unban him because he was going on vacation during about all of december? Why shouldn't I ban your ass for lying like a sack of shit and trying to take advantage of people?

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