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Posts posted by destruct

  1. 23 minutes ago, Dicky said:

    Is this an effort to increase pop? I don’t see any other reason for it.

    Nah, according to Ryan apparently it's just a post to show that restrictions exist and we don't have to keep permanent bans. So there's not going to be more unbanning that we do currently, not changing anything in relation to the status quo for unbans.

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  2. What I personally do/did, is I would rather do runs in a helicopter. Preferably runs done in open fields where I can keep an eye of my surroundings. So what I'd do is I would process/pick all my stuff whilst keeping the helicopter spooled up by going in the helicopter as a co-pilot, taking controls, spooling it all the way up, give back controls, and then exit the helicopter and do what I needed to do. What this does is leave the helicopter spooled up, so if someone does come up near you, you can just take off right away and not have to wait for the helicopter to spool up.

  3. 8 hours ago, Weaz said:

    @destruct Hmmm so it's called exploiting when other people do it?

    Except that this isn't the same thing as the other. One is someone shooting at a part of someone phasing through an impenetrable wall, which should be common sense in terms of something you don't do. It may not be incredibly apparent in a heat-of-the-moment scenario, but it's obvious that you shouldn't do it. The other, which you provided a video of, is my proning and bipoding on top of the sandbags next to corporal bunker, which isn't obvious and apparent that others couldn't see me. What Arma does when players are at a distance is sink people into whatever surface they're on, which wouldn't be apparent to me because this is largely be a client-sided mechanic, if you shot in my direction though - it would kill me, which multiple people succeeded at doing. Once I was told that people couldn't see me, I stopped. But nah, let's dig your head in the sand and pretend that one is the same as the other.

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