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R&R Medic
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Everything posted by doubleueyeceekay

  1. Location leaves something to be desired. 4.25m approx?
  2. 2080 super is 100% enough for 1440p gaming on good settings and still getting good FPS. It's from the Rothschilds paying him for every one of my reports and ban appeals he declines
  3. I’m from the UK, not an admin, and have voltrons
  4. O.J. Simpson was acquitted of the murders of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ron Goldman, in a criminal trial in 1995. However, in 1997, Simpson was found liable for their deaths in a civil trial and was ordered to pay $33.5 million in damages to the victims' families. The question of whether or not Simpson actually committed the murders has been a topic of much debate and speculation over the years. Ultimately, the verdict in the criminal trial was not guilty, but the civil trial found him responsible. It is up to individuals to form their own opinions on the matter based on the available evidence and facts. Wrong chat sorry
  5. Deny it + immediately decline all IA/Reports before they get seen brother do not let them get you
  6. doubleueyeceekay


    price 4 spar taser?
  7. I have been told that rabid was a pedo so I automatically side with Mako am I mistaken?
  8. 刮贏當經濟 刮輸做公益 輸一個晚餐剩下肉飯 還好還能加碗湯
  9. Turn grass off in your Arma settings
  10. an* offer. If the sound of the start of the next word is a vowel, you use "an" rather than "a". I offer 15m as I don't think you have that offer of 25.
  11. Burrito come in Pass my pro-lag solution to the devs doubleueyeceekay out
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