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Everything posted by Blue

  1. @ Big Boss Fredo my nigga
  2. here is a better pic
  3. The glock 48 is my EDC the other three are glove box guns that I rotate every week. I would post a higher quality photo but i am out of space because this website blows dick
  4. Love when people expose that soy boy lol
  5. Come on baby, daddy needs those 300 warpoints!
  6. Happy birthday @ XnavrasX  you cutie pie 😍😋

  7. this took me out bro @ ares
  8. I have been apart of this community since early 2015 and have dedicated 1000+ hours and have completed over 250+ interviews for the R&R faction in my two tenures as a senior. I have made many friends and seen people come and go. This server has helped me get through good and bad times. I hope this server continues to grow and transfer to Arma 4 [hopefully when we are not old and have grey hair]
  9. He is a special one he got shit on by an EMT yesterday so he pulled this. lmao
  10. Happy birthday monkey boy

  11. Rest in peace @ Smitty901 You were solid. Proud to have called you my friend.

  12. @ Big Boss Fredo shits on @ Clash
  13. That's tough getting robbed my a naked with a po7 while trying to hide in a hunter with a mark-1. Theeennnnn getting 2 of your hunters chopped right in front of you.
  14. you mean 50? lmao i read that wrong griz XD
  15. Love to see it.
  16. Cya waste Management you will not be missed Cop will be fun in pyrgos again!
  17. Classy
  18. joined Olympus in 2020. Tells me to stfu and nobody will buy one of the most sought after houses on olympus.
  19. i said or best offer i could do 20 mil 22 mil etc just make an offer taking the 45 mil to seriously
  20. You are the ultimate troll i stg XD. Not all of us have infinite money @ Grandma Gary annnnd there are people who would buy it i set the initial price high so it would give me room to negotiate. also, 2-3 years ago it would have sold for much higher imo.
  21. That would be dingle aka Nugget. bro it is a god tier house it has a view on everything. great rotation spots there is a jump spot from top balcony for flanks or escaping etc. Believe me it is worth every penny. @ Tammy interested? i am willing to negotiate. @ MBPslyr what about you ?
  22. I said OR BEST OFFER @ lukie
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