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D Ganja

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Everything posted by D Ganja

  1. If this happens again medics definitely need to be protected or have a weapon themselves. I was watching as these plots medics were just getting gunned down lol. but the spawning of weapons was cool and definitely turned into aids fast lol. overall 10/10 would participate again.
  2. Will cops be allowed to raid houses?
  3. vigis are like the Stinky kid in class, alone and shitty.
  4. I overheard a couple of vigis damn near orgasm on Mic when they saw a guy worth 90k lmao. aids aids aids
  5. D Ganja

    Selling DMS

    last bid at 8mil if anyone wants last minute bid
  6. nvm doesn't need it.
  7. 10-4 I'll spread the news like my herpes.
  8. how much ? I sold a guy a blackmarket weed house right next to you, hed probably buy that garage.
  9. Someone buy this DMS

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. D Ganja

      D Ganja

      interesting thanks for feedback. I don't really know the price so appreciate it. best offer gets it. 

    3. Unjo
    4. Tb:)
  10. D Ganja

    Selling DMS

    more bids?
  11. Offer, close enough to see if people are near, also can pull a car quickly. house will come with 100 oil too as a welcome bonus.
  12. To clarify this man is legit. I paid first and he sold me merch so +1 is legit
  13. I meant big white lol my bad but yeah I'll buy it getting on if you're on
  14. I'd love to buy big yellow and some tasers I'll be on a little later today. how much for ole yeller?
  15. D Ganja

    Meth House S3

    a milli
  16. Yeah legitimately a great guy that obviously made a few bad decisions but in my opinion he doesn't deserve that harsh of a ban. I've watched him numerous times grab some new players and show them the ropes. superb guy, don't worry well hold a memorial for you in kavala square later my man. many will perish
  17. not even gonna lie this dude is good shit everyone makes mistakes I was lucky to comp the dude I combat stored on so he wouldn't submit. hope you get unbanned man, many laughs have been had while rolling with you.
  18. those sick sadistic admins. who do they think they are!? how could they remove one of the best guys around olympus? this dude has bigger balls than memeshack has scat houses. #freemajorpain #wewillburnkavaladown we will revolt on our quads. no walking human is safe from the underside of our quads. no-one!
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