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About Proxii

  • Birthday 01/25/1995

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  1. Aight then...well to fucking bad ya tard i already said it. Take the dick out of your ass
  2. Right...like the issue is solved 3 hours ago
  3. I dont wanna quote myself but I said this in previous reply Someones fucking triggered
  4. I was actually defending you..was saying this community is Toxic and used you as an example. Honestly what Business or Commnuity or w/e doesnt use ideas from other communities..i get that the people of Olympus want to be different..but damn theres nothing out there that someone hasnt already done. I give all the Civ reps props. *EDIT* Google I may have mis read what you last posted if i did im sorry XD
  5. Not saying theyre wrong. Im saying its not a big deal to have a Civ Rep over a Steam Group..The admins had their chance no one took 3 mins of their time. Thats on them. All im trying to do is explain that its not a big deal for him to run it. The mass majority of Olympus community is fucking toxic and how one post on the forums ruins their rep. Look at google he brought up some idea that was from Asylum..people flamed. He brought up another and people brought up that other post and flamed more.
  6. *sigh* you just missed your whole point you tried to make.
  7. No @Armalisk
  8. Ok wheres the logic in that then...Who doesnt go to a server they like more over its competitor...its like I hate this store because of their prices too high when Store B has them for less but you continue to go to Store A........
  9. Well there are always people that will do what you just said. and honestly its fucking dumb. Im heated about this because everyone misses the point about a steam group. Like is a whole different entity. Like Google said. He asked McDilli then McDilli asked his staff....guess what no one did it. takes like 3 mins to make one 20 sec to make a post about it. But we got admins spawning in tanks and spawning in boats on civs...but when a CIV REP does it everyone is dead against it.
  10. ^ This....ive talked so much shit about him. I dont like the guy and he doesnt like me..every single one of you are missing the point.....ITS A STEAM GROUP... So you're telling me...if one guy gets staff you will leave. Your experience will be ruined if 1 guy gets staff....Logic
  11. I mean I dont see an issue honestly Care to elaborate..id like to hear your opinion thats just like everyone elses @Armalisk
  12. *facepalm* is that you only thing to say is "he isnt staff" Think about it like this..how long has Olympus been a community? Why hasnt any of the STAFF make one then? They didnt feel like it? at least a fucking civ rep is trying. I can see DeadPool as staff one day idk when but I can see it... honestly this is irrelevant to even be discussing...but let me guess your reply is gonna be "He isnt staff" gtfo with your generic responses
  13. Honestly why not let him make it. I've seen alot of his suggestions being liked more than disliked. Hes a Cop and a Civ. Hes trying to make a balance between them. And no offence to you Google but All i really see is him trying to make suggestions. and I know ive seen the posts and comments about your ideas and people flaming because it comes from Asylum. DeadPool is making the initiative. The guy may not like me and i dont like him..but I do like whats he is bringing to the table when it comes to Civ rep..and this fucking Steam Group shouldnt even be an issue..over the things that should be fixed or looked at. Priorities People....* EDIT * If you look in the Steam Group CMDR Rex is and Admin..problem solved bois..next!!!
  14. What stops the staff team to make an announcement on here. I cant see people reading something that DeadPool makes on a steam group potentially gets hundreds of people to stop playing on Olympus...Olympus > DeadPool for this situation. Like I didnt know who he was till he became Civ Rep. I Like 99% of his ideas, but to say if something didnt go his way and i was in that steam group and he post false info..im sorry but Olympus > DeadPool. and this example was IF the info he posted was false. You guys over react. Does everyone here think he has that MUCH Influence? If so then the staff needs to talk among themselves on a Staff pos for him. Thats just me. and my opinion..
  15. its a steam group.....
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