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[SRS] Jack

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Everything posted by [SRS] Jack

  1. price?
  2. okey offers?
  3. server 1 sorry my bad
  4. 1k-3k you having a blast mate?
  5. have 2 2 craters and 2 3 craters in dp 22 offer down below all houses is located on server 1
  6. have 7.62 suppressors, post offer below NO lowballers please, highest offer takes it (if lowballing wont sell)
  7. got 2 and a couple of mags one of them got the MRD reddot sight to
  8. yo is it availible still?
  9. Looking to buy that 3 crater with the atm on it in dp 22 and a garage anywhere in dp 22 post down below
  10. got full cop uniforms vest hat and unifrom whats your offer?
  11. sent a dm to discuss prices
  12. you have a garage or nah? if you do ill buy the gargae from you
  13. how much for a full PO uniform vest hat and rangemaster suit?
  14. how much for asp-1kir and the heat greanade
  15. ill send you PM about it
  16. ill buy it if its still availible
  17. Can u buy the garage alone? actually i can take the big white house right next to the garage together with garage how much would that be? (not 100% sure if i want both but deffo the garage)
  18. how much for the very left dp 22 house
  19. bump
  20. WTB s1 dp 22 garage post your deals and if i like what i see ill buy it
  21. Looking to buy a moonshine house on server 1, show me what u got and ill buy if i like what i see.
  22. ill do 4,5 mil rn
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