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Everything posted by Jonathan02

  1. For Altis life Apex and Marksmen would do just fine really wait for a sale tho
  2. Jonathan02


  3. Just curious to see If over 2k plz specify
  4. This is a pretty cool giveaway
  5. Alaska standard baby
  6. A very very close 2nd ill give you a mill for it tho msg me to meet for your winnings Winner winner message me for the details on how to get ur money Winners have been chosen, thank you all for your amazing poems. Stay tuned for more giveaways
  7. You can still win the 4 mill if you guys write the best poem and it has to be your own...
  8. I will be announcing who gets 4 mil for the poem later tonight to allow multiple entries Good Luck!
  9. Winner, PM me what server and what time works for you
  10. You read the title Merry Christmas I know its not alot of money but its all I got so Merry Christmas! Ill give 4 mil if you write the best poem
  11. Sorry to hear I got a bird myself when I got my cat and he was a kitten he would just sit on the top the cage and not do anything.
  12. Yay i found a friend
  13. A friend
  14. ^^^^^
  15. Age is just a number
  16. Welcome to Arma
  17. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ That is the best way to start out in my opinion
  18. Yea people live up here haha.
  19. How did you know?
  20. https://ibb.co/c9A3Qf The picture was too big to just paste right in so that's the photo of my receipt when I took my girl out, take a guess on who got what.
  21. Jonathan02


    Welcome to the party
  22. Hold up what's wrong with RnR
  23. o7 Drama good times
  24. Jonathan02


    Interesting conspiracy that I seem to believe to a extent. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/are-we-living-in-a-computer-simulation/
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