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Everything posted by Jonathan02

  1. Ok so its at the end of this video https://www.instagram.com/p/Bl-TtGjF6Jp/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1attelb9rvir0 I'm assuming this is a movie and if anyone knows it please let me know cant find it to save my life. Also if ur wearing headphones I would lower your volume
  2. How long ago was this?
  3. I can do 501k
  4. Someone already said this but staff don't just ban people whenever they are bored the people who are chosen for staff are chosen because of their qualities, not because they know McDili IRl. YES, new rule should be vigis have the same power as admins. When the admins aren't on the vigis can take proper action, why has no one thought of this? ( For people who aren't the sharpest tool that is sarcasm it is sad i am writing this part.
  5. Same here
  6. Always a great time with you, o7.
  7. Glad to see someone else has done this
  8. I use Nvida Geforce to take my screenshots but it says the file size is too big :/ Nope I use Nvida GeForce the file sizes are just to big ;/ I have another post same thing these jets survive everything
  9. Here you see a failed low pass on a APD boat... on a side note if anyone else flies jets here msg me trying to get a group going to fly in formation. https://ibb.co/bXrXrd https://ibb.co/ht5BHJ I ended up surviving this
  10. I like the idea just think it needs some tweaking with how the bounty would be distributed and how he would go to jail vs just respawning in his house. If there was a way to execute via firing squad and send said person to jail for their full bounty i'm all for it, good idea.
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