If you are still in custody of the cops and you and your friend are both engaged, then he can pipe. The standard is a little different but it’s the same as if gang A has a Gang B member hostage and 6 minutes later he is still hostage. His gang finds the gang members who are actively holding his gang mates hostage, they can pipe.
So I recently was in a situation where I was restrained by cops and like 7 minutes later in hq my friend came and shot them both, no initiation because we assumed that me being in restraints and having tags was initiation and then were told that it’s still 5 minute initiation so just wanted to know if that if I am in restraints and 5 minutes passes from the prior initiation is my gang not engaged anymore? @McDili
In some cases a vigi has to rob someone/kill them so I think they would make a like 30k max for them paying off bounties so if they have to kill someone they can payoff but then they can’t rob/kill multiple people at once, then if you have a gang member they can’t rob you both or else they would be over the payoff limit and have to talk to police or be arrested