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Everything posted by Zeb

  1. Drink Alcoholic beverages and sleep
  2. Zeb


  3. I will soon have the ability to drive , Is it hard?
  4. @ Max_MX
  5. Who Drinks milk in a bag , Gross
  6. Need some new games to play , Got any suggestions?
  7. Zeb


    o7 sir , Although I have never spoke to you before I have only heard good things about you I wish you the best of luck on your future endeavors sir.
  8. Ryzen 3700x GTX 970 16g 3200mhz ASUS TUF B550 Plus
  9. Mine is sorta shit
  10. Zeb


    o7 sir may the force be with you
  11. Windows 10 is perfectly fine
  12. Tits or Ass ?
  13. Some of you may know who I am but I left the server a few months ago to focus on my studies for the SATs and school etc. However lately I have been craving to play olympus and Cop again but after Logging on the forms I have seen an absurd amount of drama and I have no clue what it even is about ( if anyone can explain it that would be cool too) So is it worth coming back on the server ?
  14. Arthur> John
  15. I Have not played squad but from the gameplay I have seen , it appears promising . Perhaps better than arma
  16. Corsair > Razer
  17. Zeb


    no problem sir Thanks dude I appreciate it , maybe some day I'll come back when all this is over
  18. Zeb


    o7 I have been thinking about quitting Arma for a while now. With my SATs and senior year of high school coming I have realized that there are more important things to life other than playing Cop I have made a lot of great memories and friends with my time on Cop and Medic and I will always remember all the funny experiences I had. Its time for me to grow up and prepare myself for adulthood. Everyone is pretty cool except of the entirety of Sila. You guys have been the most pain in the ass gang I've come across you have made everyone in the APD avoid Kavala purely because of your existence. (except for you Nemo your cool) Maybe some day I'll come back when all this school nonsense is done and over with but only time will tell btw I was the guy who told Nerdy to @ everyone Peace out suckas
  19. Arkham City is the best out of all of them
  20. Idk man im bored
  21. This is an important question
  22. Subway is terrible
  23. Zeb


    Owen don't be yourself up for every mistake that you made but learn from them I think its good that your quitting the server all this toxic nonsense isn't good for you Focus on yourself you're still young and have plenty of years to figure this all out o7
  24. Zeb


    @ZAZA Dude you just need to chill out and think before you speak ok dude you gotta change I know you're young and all but man I think you need to take a break from all this Get some hobbies outside of video games, do what ever your passionate about set time for it focus on school and yourself For you to change you gotta stop getting yourself into situations like this , its mad toxic and not good for a guy your age to always have your mind on all this nonsense it will only do you harm When I get pissed I do something I enjoy something other than video games in my case I do pushups or go out on a run. Doing what you're passionate about will help you calm down and better understand the situation so you can make the Right decisions and I promise you dude when you do things like this it will drastically improve your life and will make you mature and better prepared for adult-hood Plus chicks love guys who are mature hahaha So kid don't beat yourself up about every single mistake you make but learn from them it will ultimately make you a better person
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