@ZAZA Dude you just need to chill out and think before you speak ok
dude you gotta change I know you're young and all but man I think you need to take a break from all this
Get some hobbies outside of video games, do what ever your passionate about set time for it focus on school and yourself
For you to change you gotta stop getting yourself into situations like this , its mad toxic and not good for a guy your age to always have your mind on all this nonsense it will only do you harm
When I get pissed I do something I enjoy something other than video games in my case I do pushups or go out on a run. Doing what you're passionate about will help you calm down and better understand the situation so you can make the Right decisions and I promise you dude when you do things like this it will drastically improve your life and will make you mature and better prepared for adult-hood
Plus chicks love guys who are mature hahaha
So kid don't beat yourself up about every single mistake you make but learn from them it will ultimately make you a better person