ALF is back...that's right OG ALF gang from way back when.......... we want our OG tags "ALF".. is the guy that runs the Altis Liberation Front gang still active or around? Looks like its just 1 guy. is there a way to check this and maybe disband his gang so we can have the OG ALF tags
its a fucking casino for fuck sakes guys.. did everyone think they was just gonna go win shit tons of money.. It was put in the game to take the rich ppls money cuz they are the one who can/will bet max on everything... anyone ever been to a casino and walked in and won a bunch of money??? ya me either... so either 1 play small bets or 2 just dont fucking go there
truest shit ever right there.. i have even more of a problem with the support team when you go to TS for support.. 1 they will always take there friends side regardless...... 2) apparently none of them actually know the server rules....some ppl have to show video proof and wait a life time to talk to someone but other players can go get there support/admin friends and within seconds its taken care of....