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About Tobubas

  • Birthday 03/27/2002

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  1. Just take the L and leave the situation? It's as if I went "oops, I forgot a had God Mode on, it's a shame I can't go into admin mode to take it off because I'm already engaged" (Obviously hyperbolizing to make my point clearer).
  2. Develop secondary profiles Staff profile and regular profile. Gg ez win
  3. I used up all my reactions for today on the tranny wasting Gary's time. Help me take away the one thing that matters to him/her/it.
  4. lol Everyone who voted good idea is retarded
  5. I don't think this is even possible. Hasn't he had access to spawning money for like 4 years? Also, he very much did abuse a lot back in the day, and I'm not the only one saying it.
  6. wtf Mako representing the community? I was thinking specifically of you when you played cop. You'll run out eventually. It will force you into preconsidering purchases and spenditures, like the rest of us.
  7. Perm Goat from forums
  8. "If only we had an admin" is quite telling though...
  9. Millenium isn't cop sided???
  10. So you jump, get stuck, vault to get unstuck, and you get banned because the window jump required vaulting to complete? Can't wait for those disputes or bans "subject to the staff member's opinion"
  11. EFT It's got VOIP now
  12. I mean, assuming someone wants to fix this problem, there are 2 possible fixes. #1 - Reduce the amount of arrests required to level up so vigis exclusively target large enough bounties. You end up with a buttload of vigis running spar 16s with little to long-term effort. #2 - Add a rule so vigis can't camp common bounty areas You end up with becoming a vigi being next to useless. Getting arrests in Kavala isn't quite a pog strat. So far all the suggestions are limiting vigis. Perhaps something could be done to encourage them staying out of Therisa. Maybe a random event that happens quite often (Depending on player count) could be added. 1 or 2 NPCs spawn at a random location on the map and they begin running in any direction (A marker pops up once every 2 mins or something). If the NPCs are tased and restrained, they can be delivered off at any vigi outpost, giving 50k and an arrest. If they are killed, they drop a considerabel amount of cash (Maybe like 200k). Zone around the NPC is KOS. For this to be viable NPCs would have to be taseable on the first place, but adding event like this is probably the solution. I don't think them camping rebels is a problem, since even rebel retards often camp.
  13. You're putting 7 hours a day...
  14. I don't believe you. Post ss
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