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Everything posted by Kevlar

  1. S2 only house available inside Kavala rebel don't lowball. https://gyazo.com/ac11f24b3abb88eedd3b3ae357af5d8f
  2. S2 offer up https://gyazo.com/09b676558990adb98789c8f733ff3ef0
    1. Seth M.

      Seth M.

      Then how would they be able to crash their helis?

  3. Thanks for the tip.
  4. Liking this idea.
  5. https://gyazo.com/3697cd6590e22db675c0efc1ef8f73d4 Perfect gangs shed for roaching warzone. Offer Up.
  6. What is the thought process behind not letting someone return when they are unlawfully killed.
  7. I would be all for no NLR if we removed the ability for civs to respawn and they would have to bleed out instead. Might actually make people value their lives aswell.
  8. 725k for closer house
  9. Bottom line no one buy from him
  10. Fine 8 million
  11. Reeee 6 million
  12. Mainly just so no one else gets scammed by this guy.
  13. You have proof of him scamming you post it
  14. Bit steep for a 0 crater
  15. 600k for thé one closer to pro
  16. I don’t think this will cause rebels to not leave war zone like the staff say it will.
  17. Kevlar

    Pc Upgrade

    So you don’t believe I will need the extra 8gb? I have a similar pc
  18. No but for real fucking make it a server event for one day all apd gets suicide vests. PLEASE.
  19. Screenshot?
  20. Giving away one mil to someone on the forums! Upvote this post and @ one person to be added in 7 days time I will choose someone and pm the winner.
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