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Grim Khan

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Everything posted by Grim Khan

  1. G herbo L
  2. like i said you're a midget kid
  3. hah you're a malformed midget your life must suck kid odds are you're never gonna lose your virginity
  4. lol the virgins on here that care too much about being relevant on an arma 3 server need to hop off their high horse and face the fact that they are all pathetic as hell
  5. i couldnt care less if you dont know who i am on an arma 3 server you malformed midget, go find some real meaning in your life other than your internet personality you goddam loser
  6. you're a trashbag you tubby piece of shit
  7. earlier start time? shut the fuck up just please shut the fuck up earlier start time? shut the fuck up just please shut the fuck up earlier start time? shut the fuck up just please shut the fuck up earlier start time? shut the fuck up just please shut the fuck up earlier start time? shut the fuck up just please shut the fuck up earlier start time? just stop talking you fuckwit waking up at 9 am on a saturday is good enough for us west coast niggas so just neck yourself k?
  8. imagine having an anime profile picture u goddam weeb
  9. What is GLO GANG? Well it's GLO GANG is G-L-O-G-A-N-G It is Glory Boyz, we are Glory Boyz Entertainment. It is GBE But it's shortened, it's shortened, you know what I'm sayin' So it's G-L-O Gang, and so the GLOry Boyz You guys can say either one though, it don't matter You know what I'm sayin' I won't get offended, gang won't get offended We are Glory Boyz, you know what I'm sayin' But GLO GANG is just a, just a short abbreviation for Glory Boyz You know what I'm sayin', just G-L-O-G-A-N-G, you know We be on a lotta gang shit, we got everybody sayin' "gang" now No squad, you know. We changed that, we changed to gang It ain't none of that squad. I mean you know we got Savage Squad You know that's my cousin, Fredo and nem. But um shit We go by gang and none of that squad But when cuz and nem come around you know it's squad When Wop come around we rockin' with the squad You know what I'm sayin'. But when we When it's just gang, we be on that straight gang shit You know what I'm sayin', gang and none of that squad But anyways man back to the tape man
  10. Grim Khan

    WTS ASP-1

    why would you pay 3 mil for something you can buy for like 35 warpoints?
  11. @ThatNerdyGuy
  12. deal PM me on server 1
  13. how was that 2 mil bounty you guys got oh wait... https://gyazo.com/dcae536f91c2ca0607e3b4ff8e31745e
  14. 10000 silver ingots
  15. lol you tried to scam 20 mil from our gang funds but your IQ is room temperature, and you would constantly claim you were best friends with conor mcgregor and that you were going to restart TI
  16. pull up white robes white hoods with torches
  17. Cops don't need any nerfs imo they are fine as they are now. The only part that is a bit iffy is the fact of them able to keep coming back over and over and over again. For most well established gangs with decent players cops are not an issue, however let's say a new gang with 3-4 players is on and the cops roll up on them, they kill the cops that come, if there is nothing better to do and there is a sizable bounty among one of those players every cop and their mother is going to come. Once that happens, cops just keep coming back endlessly after they die starts to become slightly cancerous. Obviously for federal events this does not apply, I'm just talking about the average engagement.
  18. only career cops responding lool
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