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R&R Medic
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Status Updates posted by Overlord

  1. I would like to thank @Agent Ryker for being the generous first benefactor to the covertwantsmoremoney fund with a 1.5 mil donation! Our charitable cause is off to a good start!

    1. Agent Ryker

      Agent Ryker

      Yah, your my sugar baby now

    2. Lime


      Xi'an claims oughta be comin' in soon 😅

    3. Overlord


      @Lime who needs to do feds when they can just insure your Xi'ans? Not me!


  2. Anyone want to donate to the covertwantsmoremoney fund? Bunny took all my money.

    1. Lime


      Imagine getting yoinked 💤

    2. Overlord


      @Lime put the money where your mouth is

  3. Tad late, but congrats @Lime and @Mike Lit! Can’t wait to see you guys blow up some Xian’s!

    1. Mike Lit

      Mike Lit

      Thanks man! I'll blow up thinking of you.

    2. Overlord


      I’m very touched @Mike Lit, I’m glad thoughts of me will bring a warm glow to your heart... and whatever the poor aircraft is that you’re flying

  4. Since I’m away from my PC this week Ima be stalking the forums 😶

  5. Congrats my man!

    1. Slumberjack


      Thanks overlord!

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