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Everything posted by Claysive

  1. Is this sovs new account?
  2. My favorite frame is the one where we found out both sov and nicole are fat and black.
  3. What a shit show. We got incest, trannys, some harassment story that may or may not be true, something about piss drinkers.. This dumpster fire was worth what I did read.
  4. Are you attempting to reach Big John levels of cry babyness and pettiness? Cause you are coming close.
  5. o7 Nerdy!
  6. Don't let this shit show die. It's got everything; Hate for the APD, hate for civs, hate for admin money(womp womp). It's even got incest and slurs.
  7. You sure a certain cm isn’t gonna get butthurt again this year and start banning medics?
  8. I respect it. A scam is a scam. Kids gotta learn one way or another.
  9. When I was still staff, he would get his vigi ripped from time to time and he would hit me up. I would give him tier 5 back right after. I'm sure APD and whoever else he used his vigi power against didn't understand. Good times. Leave Revenge alone.
  10. I didn’t read any of that, but fuck the APD.
  11. EZ fix. Anyone who votes yes, just whitelist them so they can't be revived by a medic regardless. Give them the experience they want.
  12. where is @ Headless ? Haven't seen him around in a while.
  13. will this do?
  14. The irony here is that I can't even view previous messages on the stats page without paying for Oly+.
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