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Corporal Moob

Retired Chief
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Posts posted by Corporal Moob

  1. 15 minutes ago, Aaron9990 said:

    so i wanna do a attack with a suicide vest what are the rules, Like if i say allahuakbar, and give a few seconds, 5 or so for people to run, can u blow up and not be consided RDM??? 

    To put it bluntly, if you're engaged with a person, I.e You've stated a demand I.e "Drop that fancy blue fedora you have right now or I'll kill you" You may give reasonable time (5 seconds, unless as per standard engagement rules they do something counter to request in that 5 seconds, e.g, they run) and then detonate. 

    and can be used in Redzones/Active federal Events/terror till your hearts content.

    And you may always detonate in self defence. If you are engaged, or you are shot at.


    Makes little sense in an RP sense.. but We'll go with it hahaha Blow yourself up to stop yourself from dying. 

    • Like 2
  2. 31 minutes ago, Monkeysz said:

    3+ minuets 

    Start with a fun clip or you getting some nutty arse shot

    2 kills on Civs who are fully geared or if you turn on someone

    NO shooting people out of anything that has literally 0 armour hatchback for example 

    prefer no cop clips unless it’s 4/5+ Even then make sure it’s not 5 cadets walking around like retards 

    unless you ARE @Orgondo or at least anywhere near as funny try to cut your voice out 

    Basically look at @Corporal Moob montages and do the complete opposite 


    Follow @Monkeysz advice.










    • Haha 1
  3. What a shame.

    Without question one of Olympus's most loyal sons, Sometimes you were a little Nazi on the forums, but without doubt one of, if not the best Admins because of your calm collected unbias opinion and your drive to see Olympus grow. 

    This guy is a guy who actually devoted time and effort to this place. What a fucking o7. 


    Edit: They're gonna need a hell of a replacement for ya.



    Don't worry Lucki, you'll get one too.

    • Like 3
  4. On 19/02/2018 at 4:32 PM, Perrin said:

    Yes, i made an account PURELY to grieve about this issue in hopes that one of the admins will see this and do something about it. 


    The cops, at least on server #1, are ridiculous, corrupt, and have the law IQ of my 7 year old cousin. I was landing my newly bought chopper before i logged off for the night and a cop chopper pulled in behind me and dropped 3 cops who started screaming for me to get down and put my hands on my head. Mind you, the most illegal thing i had done to this point was not land on the helipad. As soon as I was restrained i was put in the back of a chopper and flown to the station. I asked if, at any point, i was going to be read my Miranda Rights, "Deputy" Marcos didn't seem to even know what those were until i explained it to him like a 5 year old and then replied "you have no rights on this island". I asked why I was pulled over in the first place and was told that my vehicle "matched the description of my personal vehicle"... i had bought the helicopter 5 minutes prior to this encounter. I'm a Law and Justice major which means every time i see a little internet role play cop I laugh a little to myself before basically making it my job to drill them and see if they know actually know ANYTHING and they (all of them) know next to nothing. So @ all you internet cops here's some basic things you should learn if you're gonna pretend to be a cop:

    - People can be detained/stopped ONLY with probably cause unless it's a state approved checkpoint. 

    - If a person is not read their Miranda rights, the entire case is invalidated.

    - Unless a person voluntarily rides with an officer to the station, a person's rights MUST be read before they can be transported ANYWHERE against their will (this prevents police officers from just grabbing random people, throwing them into a car, and driving off).

    - If a person is not read their Miranda rights during the arrest phase then it's unlawful confinement (and usually results in multi million dollar lawsuits).

    - House raids cannot be executed without the warrant of a judge. Even with probable cause, officers may not enter households without a warrant. They must have proof that the house is a potential crime hub and present it to a judge before they can execute the search warrant (I've seen 4-5 raids in the last month and considering there's no judge, technically none of them are legal). 

    There's a long list of infractions from my numerous encounters with cops on this server. The cops are essentially another gang without a name. They take who they want, when they want, where they want, for whatever reason. Every time i see a cop now i go the other direction because chances you get detained or stopped for absolutely no reason is basically inevitable. I know it's just a game but if you're going to pretend to be a police officer at least try to get the most basic "you have the right to remain silent, anything you say... etc." stuff down. The funny thing is that the guy who was doing the talking asked where i kept my licenses and said he was going to "pat me down". This nerd role play patted me down in a video game but wont even try to role play the communication aspects of being a police officer (and communication is like 99% of the role play lol). Having a faction that allows people's game time and assets to be taken away run by a bunch of power hungry 15 year old's is ruining the server.


    p.s. if you need me to come teach them BASIC laws and citizen protection acts so that they can be shitty pretend cops instead of abysmal, let me know.

    Mfw Altis is a Greek Island

    Mfw Europe doesn't use the Miranda rights

    Mr. RP/Law specialist. 

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