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Posts posted by Coconut

  1. 20 hours ago, Marcus said:

    Here is how a Combat Medic would function.  The Medic would arrive on scene and try to begin medical services like normal once a rebel engages the medic the medic can detain the rebel using his government issued taser and restrain the rebel and can then continue with providing medical services.  Once the player has been revived the medic would then take the detained player back to the hospital and release them to go about their business.  With that being said say for example that people doing a diamond run defended their run and the Combat Medic arrives that medic can then talk with the rebel check the vehicles reg and see if they were telling the truth and if so the denial would stand and the medic will leave.

    this is a rough draft of the idea and will continue to be refined over time.

    For this to even happen, Combat medic would need something like a sting or a spar. There no way a po7 would work. But again the risk of dying would be Not Value of life. Will this be change also for Combat medic rank?

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  2. 10 hours ago, spooderman said:

    The medics are in a redzone and Revenge did state "Do not revive" multiple times. I'd say it is not RDM.

    If it wasn't in the redzone then it'd be RDM

    Have you read the medic rules lately? Please re-read the handbook to understand your Red Zone rule when your on medic @ spooderman


    Medics who choose to willingly enter an illegal area to answer a call cannot be killed unless they are properly engaged. However, all medics must READ AND UNDERSTAND the Exception as well as the Special Circumstances listed below:

    1. Exception: Medic GROUND UNITS (ONLY) are Kill-On-Sight at Cartels, War Zone, Rebels, at active Federal Events (Jailbreak/Federal Reserve Robbery/Blackwater Robbery/Evidence Locker), Active Banks and Active Blue Zones. Air units must still be engaged or sufficiently warned. Land vehicles, amphibious vehicles, medics on foot, and pilots who decide to land at these locations are all considered ground units.
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  3. @ Lime  It has been an honor to have an amazing friend like you in my life. No matter what we will always remain friends and there more games out there where we can hang. Just want to say love you buddy for everything you have done for me in the Rnr and I will never forget what you have done. Love you my asian brotha ❤️ Asian Food Vietnam GIF

  4. 1 hour ago, Bubbaloo Burrito said:

    Personally I do not ban if at the end it did not change the outcome of the situation. If he would have won that fight then that would have been another story. 

    9/10 players doing feds and jails DPI like it makes them get off or something. We turn a blind eye until it changes the outcome of the situation. 

    I don’t understand the point of it. I’m shit at the game and I admit it and have been for 7 years. 🙂 

    That a lie you shot me XD

    • Haha 1
  5. On 5/28/2020 at 8:00 PM, K_todd said:

    @Wilson_, hmmm not letting a noob like yourself experience my rock paper scissors expertise and btw @ThatNerdyGuy unban us there like a good chap as i've like all ur wootube videos they're good

    @Secret Agent cheers for that bro just that we both feel extremely ill treated by server in this particular occasion, not saying it's who he is or that he is like this but i personally feel that i was mistreated. Thank you though

    Although @Secret Agent, not to be some party pooper/stuck up person although i was told when i joined the gang to go to the higher ups with anything and when my friend beetle juice went to the higher ups he got shit on and humiliated by some of them, the only person who backed him up was johnny rico and i wont mention any names although he was being called some fucked up shit in a call and even i was dragged into it for some reason cause i'm his friend which led me to be banned i think idfk?? People can say all this shit idgaf ik exactly what happened between beetle and the other gang members and tbh i was just dragged into all this crap and ALOT of the facts were portrayed incorrectly

    So again sorry that this has happen to you but there is always reason why a prospect got kick out of the gang.

    For your friend when a senior pulled that member in for any complaint  that he want to give I don't think any of my senior would be toxic they have to evaluate the situation and see both side of the story before moving forward. No hard feeling it just a game and as @Secret Agent and I we just want to chill and hang with the gang memes with cop etc. But again best wishes on your future endeavors.

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