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Everything posted by Coconut

  1. Frankie got to ask man how old are you? and 2nd dude if you did not get it the 1 or the 2nd time just keep apply. Why you have to make a big showing like this and saying you deserved it. Your a good medic yes but you are also being a child crying for candy.
  2. Damn bud you going to make the man cry now
  3. Haha it a passing game at this point XD
  4. https://gyazo.com/a8fd3959537797c13cb320fa4091055c https://gyazo.com/0a62ed86acda0afdba035105828698c6
  5. 2.3
  6. Eeewww S1 bro
  7. hahah all you bro
  8. Coconut

    Bet me

    Send me a mil be while i was fight tiss tiss X'D
  9. https://gyazo.com/aa01bcfead814b710804d3c68a952a9d https://gyazo.com/83e86c211e7a9d58ba0bca2c008be9c7
  10. Hahah called the man out right too.
  11. what no use condom in this deal?
  12. I see i see very tempting. 1 Fully upgraded Jeep 2 Fully upgraded hatchback sport and a penny.
  13. 2 fully upgraded hatchback.
  14. Haha just savage
  15. 70k
  16. Not going to lie bro but your doing an amazing job going back and forward helping people with this. It an easy explanation but you going full depth mad respect bud.
  17. I want to be enter for the give away please
  18. Coconut


    Bro are you richie rich or what lol
  19. Coconut


    Damn this is sick I would defiantly wear this for sure.
  20. Buying a 7.62 Silencer send picture for proof list price below
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