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Floyd Mayweather

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About Floyd Mayweather

  • Birthday 07/06/2002

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. cant wait to see synergy vs plague
  2. man its been a while since we actually caught up, enjoyed breaking out of your custody o7 man dont become a stranger
  3. bro ur a liar its on ur desktop smartass and second not thhat, also "AZ" nice ahk btw u could easily move files
  4. kinda funny since you showed me it, Lmao, also not to mention the screenshot you sent with both your monitors showed your desktop, big yikes buddy, also not to mention you said how much days and stuff you had left.
  5. i killed you when you were healing, btw https://gyazo.com/bb56c57da6a500efc297c928c571c6d0 https://gyazo.com/c48928c53c036961e90f3cd80335151c did you use that as well to kill me 7 times?
  6. his profile is legit a trap lmao
  7. really wanna shit talk? i whiffed twice and it was on a german server that legit had 300 ping on and not to mention, their dmg counter / receiver was broken
  8. yes...exactly my plan, everything is going as i have forseen.
  9. lol my turn hop in ts im coming
  10. you are 100% right, in general he is awesome and so is rex, however im not saying it to get unbanned, its just facts but hey, wanna hook me up with that unban daddy's?
  11. @KeithR wanna donate 900 in my name so i can join founders circle? :)

  12. Upvote 4 Upvote, or you can just be generous, this post is for everyone to get upvoted only Ill upvote you guys soon, I reached max reactions, in under 10 hours I should be able to vote again
  13. i dont plan on getting banned ever again once im unbanned. word when a dev+ checks out my appeal, hopefully they see i mean no harm to thy olympian race.
  14. no we need a unbanathon
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