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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Aladeen

  1. Gratz to G.O.A.T and Tali! Also lets not forget Vacant his second chance at SGT!!!

    1. Dangus


      That was a meme of 2016. Let's not bring the toxicity to 2017, I Want to have a chance of making it through 2017.

    2. -dante-


      2nd reign of SGT*

  2. APD all day baby
  3. If you don't want to wait there's an easy fix. 1. Go to arma 3 in steam right click it and press properties. 2. Select Betas tab 3. Type in "Arma3Legacy164" press check code 4. Select the drop down menu and select "legacy - Legacy Build (1.64)" 5. Press close 6. ??? 7. Profit
  4. Im right here what are you talking about
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