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Everything posted by Masonn

  1. @W4LT3R WH1T3 looks like it wasn't your net after all atleast the admins are so nice giving you a "get out of jail" free card !
  2. Cops being nerfed on this server? Good banter. This is why I don't do anything involving cops all the higher ups are up their own arse and there other cops and even deeper in there.
  3. As tryhard said you need more encouragement for the smaller less talented gangs to attend. If gangs actually got rewarded for making like top 8 they would have more to play for and more reason to train for it. It's pretty clear from last gang wars only 2 gangs were actually contenders for 1st place.
  4. People from asylum were doing the same thing you reeeee you're literally talking about something you clearly have little clue about and want to be a whiteknight.
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