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Everything posted by F U L T

  1. did frankiein1080 play on olympus in his episodes or what that somewhere else
  2. i think i do pretty good on test its just the situations i get fucked up
  3. like i said im a retard when it comes to tests, if i have to ill stay a deputy i will, i enjoy being a cop on the server no matter my rank i always have fun and good laughs with everyone and making money while i do it so im not complaing.
  4. Curious how everyone got there start here on the server like I had always played Koth and was getting bored and then a friend told me about Olympus and how it an Rp server and I was like oh that's sick and now I hear I am been through 4-5 gangs cause of kicked or they left/disbanded and lost APD at the moment cause I'm a grade A Retard who failed the PO test 3 times. So what's everyone else's story especially those who have played this server for years on end and continue to play.
  5. damn i actually miss Patrol Officer Cosma.
  6. Damn Zurph was in a rush yesterday dpi jumping everywhere and robo copping the shit outta me, what's the rush buddy.

    1. Show previous comments  37 more
    2. Tacosmell
    3. F U L T

      F U L T

      thxs @tacosmell

      I'm trying to not be toxic on the server I enjoy it here and I know it comes off that I am sometimes but I always mean well unless your just a complete dick to me ill be on right back.

    4. Tacosmell


      @FULTKING Listen dog you are exactly where I was a year ago today. Lose an ego you may have, find a good group of friends, and embrace what the community has to offer homie.

  7. so can i just opt out of taking my po test and staying as a deputy cause im perfectly fine with that, if it risks me losing my cop
  8. They give me a chance every week cause I have 100 cop hours
  9. im a grade A retard
  10. So I've failed my P.O. test twice now should I just go for most failed po test or should I just actually try and pass it.
  11. honestly feel the same way sometimes like what the fuck am i doing here.
  12. Smart man
  13. fuck i lost my 3 rep and went to -2
  14. define hard drugs
  15. yikes
  16. What's everyone's favorite flavor of Juul Pods? Mines mint.
  17. then ur just not cut out lol go back to being a vigi in kavala
  18. to  join  blackwater  i see u need  800hours   would 760  be an exception

    1. NokiaStrong


      just apply and we can find out

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