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Everything posted by 555555555

  1. Pretty much same like the last time, with few rules : 1. Your comment must be the last comment on the post for an hour without anyone commenting after you. 2. Must like the post. 3. No toxicity, this is for fun. 4. Admins dont comment and lock the thread lul. Reward : 2 mil in-game
  2. Your boy xanx louives you y all and wishes youi evetyhing best in this =year love yoy all and i hopey ou enjoy,its 7 am here and i just gwot home w hpope youy fuckerts haveer a great night !!
  3. Goit wasted as fuck and just got home at y7 am yeeeeet gotta lota bitcvhes feels good to ber free !!!!!!!!!!!!#
  4. I'm really glad to see that all the 3 servers are filled every day... it's really nice, keep enjoying the server boys ! Olympus wins again #FUCKASYLUM

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Energyyy
    3. drama


      None of us care about asylum bruh. Badabing is good people, we don’t root for them to fail. If asylum and Olympus are both full then that’s a good thing. We’re just doing what we do and they’re doing what they do

    4. -dante-


      32 minutes ago, draMa said:

      None of us care about asylum bruh. Badabing is good people, we don’t root for them to fail. If asylum and Olympus are both full then that’s a good thing. We’re just doing what we do and they’re doing what they do

      The fucking facts right here. 

  5. 1st Aight bet 2nd Nop 3rd Tell me fanboy
  6. i can't be offended by my people lmao im just wondering why a fatass american has it under his name ya dig ?
  7. i couldn't resist but ask why the fuck do you have "✠ seig heil ✠" bellow your name and do you even know what that means ?
  8. ♥ Never asked for your opinion ;) Forgot to mention my brother who made me stay on the server by giving me 2 mil in my first hour lol ! Love you dude, you're a real one! haahahhaah
  9. Never cooked me some food ya bitch
  10. At the end of the day issa game, and i had loads of fun and had wonderful time, probably wouldnt enjoy any other game the way i enjoyed this one... Best of luck to your medic career blooooooooooood u're an OG, love ya bro ! reeeeeee Like i give a fuck, life's boring anyways @Mercury smh with that downvote haha imma come back in 2 months on purpose to take that test from you and troll you !
  11. wtf can i do so i stop getting notifications on my phone everytime i get quoted?
  12. I'm not doing what other people want me to do lmao i just have a good life to live n ejoy unlike u kids
  13. that doesn't matter. I was only playing this because i was on house arrest and had nothing to do besides playing games and i got hooked up on arma 3 for some reason. Now that i'm a free person there's no reason for me to stay Best of luck to y'all u spastic ♥
  14. Now firstly before you kids start saying i quitted because of the hate, hell no lmao, i enjoyed every second of trolling all of those kids who care about their reputation on Arma 3 roleplaying server forum lmao, sad. Now anyways, my house arrest case has been lifted, and that being said, i don't have any reasons to play this game anymore, the only reason i was playing it until now is because there's no other fun game to play, and i firstly jumped into this cuz i was looking for a game to play while i was stuck at being home 24/7. Can't say i didn't enjoy the server, even though it's filled with toxic handless monkeys who can't aim for shit cuz they are adopted, it's okay, it's enjoyable, but i saw so many people who are not young at all being too addicted to this server and shit, so yea, you nibbas need to go and experience some real life type of shit. Some of u knew me as Alekkz, some knew me as H o l l o w, most of u knew me as xanx. Just wanna thank few people who made my time better alot @appreciate - for being the coolest nibba on this server filled with fat monkeys. @Raindrop for always having my back and yellin' at me for breaking every single rule. @tacosmell - fun to play with lmao. @mon5t3r funny squeker ♥. @Slumberjack my favorite medic ♥ . @Ravin :) the "bestfriend" i had on this server. @Kyle Lake & @draMa for being the coolest admins. @destruct for setting me up ♥ . @DABESTeva keep killin' it bro! and stop breaking shit in ur room everytime u die♥ And many others, im just to high to name all of y'all nibbas. It was a fun run, but yeah, i got life to live and enjoy, so see all of you toxic monkeys, have fun and enjoy, i guess
  15. And honestly,you guys should give second chance to everyone, im pretty sure alot of people wont do the same shit again, you never know... But dont just make an unban wave, make a post, let people know that if they make a ban appeal (if they are permed) it will be reviewed and the decision will be made. Obviously u guys would have to review shit tons of appeals but it could actually bring the cartel life back to life... Honestly, the only people i wouldnt let appeal is those who blew up the server...those people deserve to be banned from using the internet. hEy lOoK iM a CaReEr cOp aNd i WiLl DiSaGrEe wItH eVeRy IdEa ThAt WiLl nErF cOpS
  16. idc about warning or anything, i just have to say it, i think that we can all agree here that @draMa is the realest nigga out here. !
  17. hahaha gave me a nice laugh. He would've, but i was busy witcho moma so i told him to do it. what did u do ? mL can go back to asylum.
  18. ofc im the one that gets sprayed down
  19. yea just watch whenever i post something you will see 20 fanboys bomb my thread
  20. Squeker,out of the thread. Ty Finally someone actually talking about what the thread is about...my point is that what they are doing is going to affect the cartel life atleast a little bit... what do i get if he's happy after seeing my peepee ?
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