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Everything posted by 555555555

  1. Who kicked me out of where? You need immediate help. Delusion is a problem not to be taken lightly.
  2. Idk where is this me abandoning anyone or anything coming from, but retarded people do tend to make shit up in their head, keep proving me right lol Find god, there are only 2 genders.
  3. My genes are quite dominant, I come from a type of bloodline that they/them type of people like you evade having an eye contact with, but I'd love to meet you and put you back on default settings you pagan.
  4. you're weird. + Im not a dogowner. but stay being weird my guy.
  5. wtf are you on about? I'm just not trynna read a whole essay and judging by comments it's about feds and shit, I just want a TLDR, but ofc a retard like you has to come and comment some dumb shit like this,... totally unnecessary but okay.
  6. I mean, I just find it crazy how someone has so much free time and nothing to do to write dumb shit like this in 2023... like, think about it, there are already gangs, and everyone runs the way they run, I just want to know, what else do you do in your free 24 hours every day besides Olympus forums & discord? It's a genuine question, I'm not trying to be toxic to you in any way at all and I'm looking forward to your answer.
  7. they just mad cuz we can say nigga and they can't
  8. He and his well-educated friend are also holding a 3-year-old grudge against me and I'm not getting APD unblacklist. Sad honestly Free @ Parker R @ bummm @ Montez
  9. @ Fefe Aye man u might have to start re-thinking ur life choices pal

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fefe


      Funny how this turned out

    3. 555555555


      @ Fefe get some teeth u disabled mongoloid, good luck ever getting laid

    4. Fefe


      Gl getting "them" back

  10. if u got an android and u say how iPhone is shit and overpriced and stuff like that, u just broke,.. iPhone is better, simple.
  11. been in the editing mood a lot lately, maybe do a oly community montage?

    @ Ryan 🤔

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. xsmitherz
    3. Jazzy


      if gonna be edited anything like your past montages lets just scrap it before you start 

    4. 555555555


      @ Jazzy nah those 2 were scraps, lacked motivation ;-; good joke though, haha!

  13. U should be banned from forums my guy
  14. hey I had my doxxing perm lifted brooooo that's what I say all the time, working from home is such a blessing lol
  15. Pussy or Swat Conquest? no joke hands down, lmao.

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