This is just a short list of questions that may already have answers or are up for discussion.
Q1: Are vigilantes obligated to arrest anyone at all? In particular, players with a bounty below $75k considering that we are not permitted to send these players to prison.
There isn't much to say about this one, however from my own perspective, the job description of vigilantes is exactly as the name suggests, individuals who have made the decision to take enforcement of the law into their own hands or "bounty hunters."
Q2: Are vigilantes obligated to hand over an escorted player with a bounty at or above $75k to a police officer.
I've accidentally refreshed this page twice so I'm going to cut this short (new keyboard.) Regardless of the fact that vigilantes are in no way, shape or form, sanctioned to be above the law, is it against server rules for a police officer to take a criminal being escorted by a vigilante, away from them, assuming of course that the vigilante isn't harassing the player or breaking any server rules. The obvious reason for this question being that the one who turns the player in is the one who receives the bounty. I've had this happen to me 3 times yesterday, twice for a rather large bounty and once for a small one. The 2 larger bounties involved players wanted for $550k and $770k, now obviously vigilantes need to check the wanted list to identify wanted players (which I personally find to be a huge inconvenience,) however, an officer called this 2 players out to put their hands up, both armed and they both ran. The officer ran 1 way and I eventually followed up. I ended up following some random civ and ran into the player worth $770k, told him to put his hands up, etc. however I was randomly killed (must have glitched into the scenery or something,) and the officer claimed the bounty, bad luck on my end. As for the $550k bounty, I restrained the player but the officer told me to put my gun down and back away regardless of the fact that I informed both him and the player that I was a vigilante. The 3rd time, a player armed with a pistol RDMed a group of police and civs in the square, I was able to taze and restrain the player as they tried to run away and juke my shots. The player was put in my vehicle, however the officer told me to hand the player over to him and he would wire me the bounty amount. The officer said at the atm, "Oh I can't find you anywhere," and left with the player. I asked about it later and didn't get a response. Anyways, obviously besides all of the whining on my end, I'd just like this questions cleared up for future reference. Yes I have video evidence of all these occurences, I actually leave my stream up 24/7 regardless of the game I'm playing and I'm always in the streamer section of the Olympus TS.