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Everything posted by Frato

  1. Almost everyone who voted no aren't conquest players there's at the bare minimum no reason to keep it on s3
  2. Would be the best quality of life update the server has ever seen
  3. Did it ever cross your mind that you simply just suck ahaha you have a .6 conquest kd I'd recommend wokka cqc or maybe some rdm project depending on the time of day
  4. If you think big john is cheating you're retarded also you need to take your mic away from your mouth I can hear every orifice in there.
  5. "Tyrone Darrel"
  6. You're not sov lil bro and you never will be
  7. So from what I gathered is you're upset because you lost a kit and aren't included in a fight? If the two gangs both consented to a "friendly fight" then either group up with a gang or ask to be included? I fail to see the issue here.
  8. It was a valiant effort
  9. Instead of arguing if dpi jumping should be allowed or not can't it just be fixed? I'm pretty sure if I remember correctly asylum fixed it but I could be wrong.
  10. My dream job is living off welfare and playing arma 3 I'm currently not doing that
  11. Hes sad for buying ranks, but you're even sadder for posting this also my god that kd is abysmal
  12. Sad part is I wouldn't be surprised if this was real
  13. Thats fucked up holy shit
  14. Sov the school shooter ahahahaha
  15. I deadass get pizza from panera shits gas
  16. You made a graph over arma you're a loser ahahaha
  17. 20 pop conq go crazyyyyyyyy

  18. Good on you for quitting this dogshit game gl on life
  19. Never knew it was possible to rap in lowercase
  20. Nah i'm 90% sure it's either nerve damage or parkinsons if ur referring to my first montage
  21. bro legit pulled a tank out to a fed like what
  22. If a server requires cheaters to be unbanned to maintain pop then it's better off just shutting down at that point
  23. The reason people are upset is not because you asked for proof, rather it was the tone, word choice and the way you asked that was the problem. You came off as insensitive as hell and quite frankly like an asshole when you said it. People are clearly upset and emotionally charged over the situation and you continued to fan the flames by arguing and making excuses instead of simply apologizing for acting like a clown. He posted that before Ryan made his post for the record
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