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Everything posted by Frato

  1. Cheaters will just afk for 10-20 hours. Hour requirements also don't work no matter how high cause they can just buy accounts that have the required hours.
  2. Honestly I'm impressed with how you manage to play this game on such a shit pc. Not sure if it still works on s1 anymore but right click on arma --> properties than betas and select performance profiling might help with that lol.
  3. we need someone to visit og or church
  4. Had this issue with arma, siege and helldivers now. For arma I fixed it with a m.2 ssd, for siege I fixed it by updating to windows 11 and I still haven't fixed it for helldivers (pretty sure it's just the dogshit engine). This issue can happen for thousands of different reasons from a driver on a input device fucking up all the way to thermal throttling. Try these steps -Run the game on an m.2 ssd -Run the game as admin -Change your power plan to high performance or ultimate performance -Change your launch options to these: -system.cpu_priority high -high -gc.buffer 4096 -headlerp_inertia 1000 -graphics.branding 0 -effects.maxgibs -1 -window-mode exclusive -rate 144 -client.headlerp 10 -player.eye_blinking false -player.eye_movement false -Right click on the game > Properties > Controller > Disable steam input -Cap your fps to 60 (uncap if it still happens) -Make sure your page file is on an ssd -Make sure it's not a temperature issue -Update windows and if all else fails update to windows 11
  5. https://gyazo.com/e7d7de34a913942cb1785a49bfd2e3c7 Please seek help
  6. I always just assume that everyone is working with the rothschilds and is out to get me, makes it easy not to fall for these
  7. Arma jits really be putting more effort into goodbye posts than college applications this shit get serious. W for helping the autistic kid that was wholesome as fuck. Never met you before, but I'm sure your friends would want you to stop by every now and then and say hi. Goodluck in life
  8. waaah a 90 pound soaking wet twig who lives in the desert called me a retard oh good heavens what shall I do!
  9. Did you not visit og or church?
  10. Really bad idea. The reason you need to update is that old os stop reciving security updates. 90% of cases this doesn't happen most windows upgrades work fine. I'd say so. You might start having issues on games if you're running windows 10 in the future (had something similar with siege and arma)
  11. LRR .408 added to Airdrop at 10% chance ENVG to Warpoint Shop for 25WP Mar-10 WP price decreased from 80 -> 45 WP .338 LP magazine Price decreased from $37,500 -> $15k WP price decreased from 5 -> 1 WP Are ya'll fucking stupid or something?
  12. Also for your launch options make sure to check -noSplash and -skipIntro. If you're having issues tabbing in and out (backscreen and crash) put -nobenchmark in the command line. Would also recommend checking -noPause and -noPauseAudio this way if you're tabbed out in game you can still know whats going on and tab in quicker.
  13. Probably just better to make a specific guide thats pinned on the forums or on the wiki. Effects volume effects VIOP, disable mouse acceleration in windows, put arma on an nvme ssd for the best frame times and possibly fps, you can change to hold ads in controls, fullscreen apparently adds input lag (might be myth), change maxframes ahead to 1 for input lag (might be myth), bind hold breath to hold right click for less recoil, disable mouse smoothing, disable aiming deadzone, right click on steam and go to betas and select performance profiling, and make sure your refresh rate in your arma.cfg file is the same as your monitor while you're at it as well (not sure if it's just a myth but if you have higher fps you shoot faster).
  14. Another day another dollar, thanks for asking.
  15. @ Xlax lowkey feels like a sneak diss towards you I would not let ticket boy @ -Shawn- talk to me like this just sayin
  16. Frato

    Follow God

    don't think jesus had a pos conquest kd or could bench 225 why would we listen to him lol
  17. Okay I may be a bit retarded but still fuck you. All the other seniors were useless though so i'll concede that you're right but im also right too
  18. The fact is though that none of that shit even matters you're just playing pretend with video game documentation. Anyone else who was half competent at the game could have done mindless unneeded paperwork someone who was half decent in swat should have got the whitelist not you. Doesn't matter if you do paperwork if you're not good enough to lead the faction just tell him to kick rocks. There were 100% better picks like proud, fuzy, aspen and monster who would have done whatever shitty unneeded busywork while still being able to lead the team and not make us get wiped every slam. Senior swat is good now just don't act like you did anything please when you were just a wasted slot.
  19. Only lasted slightly a month before I was blacklisted only had 3 or so conquests with a mk-1 even with an mx I was out-fragging every senior every conquest. Doesn't excuse their piss poor performance thankfully the roster is much better now but none of yall play
  20. Absolute horseshit you're capping out of your ass on this one. Every time you logged on you dropped once on flag then died and left. Same with you and mako at least Caden stayed on all three of you were a waste of a whitelist I never saw you guys go positive once while me and xlax and a few others had the entire faction on our backs you were an active hinderance to swat horseshit higher up swat like you were the reason the faction died.
  21. We had this exact same problem on swat. We had to follow rules that were simply just not in the handbook like you had to regroup 1k off cap because mako said so. It also doesn't help that a handbook for a videogame is as long as a dissertation making it impossible for anyone to learn the rules.
  22. This is cool and all but if it doesn't improve fps I ain't using it
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