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Everything posted by Wheatkings

  1. Cadets almost always have a constable around. Cadets must be in a city unless with a constable or higher. Cadets and Constables should be trying to get you to stop verbally before downing you, but if you try to drive or run then yes, they have a right to down you because you are a fellon attempting to evade arrest. If cadets or Constables are firing before trying to get you to put your hands up then contact a Corporal or SGT to watch them or submit a recording so they can be dealt with. Because Cadets can't leave the cities with out a Constable they mostly congregate in Kavala until there are constables or higher on to be with them in the other cities. Generally there's less RDM/VDM out side of Kavala so things can be handled better by all officers in the other cities. You can always ask for a higher ranking APD member to come and hear you out. But be aware that they may not be available and may not come.
  2. The attitude is because you are blaming the cops for your mistake. You stole a vehicle, were caught and charged for it and its our fault? If you'd have kept walking/running down the road would the officer had any reason to stop you? No, so in the end its your fault you lost your licenses not ours. Cops get real tired of getting shit on for everything under the sun. Its to bad you were RDM'd doing whatever supposed "legal" money making task you were doing, its unfortunate but a fact of the game that there are people out there that can't handle playing games maturely. But placing the blame on the under staffed police who are the most heavily restricted and monitored slots on the server is not the way to go about expressing your displeasure. You committed a crime, it wasn't a cop that put you in the vehicle and had you drive a few meters. You are the only one to blame here for loosing your licenses.
  3. Its not a troll comment, its a statement of fact. First off its a $5000 ticket. You can sit and literally do nothing on the server and make $5000 in 30 minutes. So its very surprising to hear that you didn't have $5000. Why you'd be carrying all your cash on you is not the smartest thing I've ever heard but people make mistakes from time to time. You don't give a whole lot of information about what the ticket was for, but since you got into a vehicle that was parked in the middle of a road I'll just assume that it wasn't yours and you were charged with attempted vehicle theft. If you can't afford to pay the ticket or do the time, then don't do the crime. There are several reasons which may be coded in as to why you didn't loose the marijuana training... it might not be considered a license, it may be because you were put in jail for a theft, it didn't remove the drug related training. There could have been a glitch... and I'm sure there are a multitude of other reasons. And finally... there is generally a 5-10 cops to 70-65 civies ratio. We can't be everywhere at once, we have 240 square Km's to cover. If you don't feel like recording to get the idiot RDM/VDM'ers kicked off the server then you are just as much at fault for your own death as you seem to be blaming the cops for. So in the end based on your attitude it seems to me that you got everything you deserved. Good day to you sir.
  4. It wasn't the cop that took it away. You loose those items when you go to jail. If you'd have been able to pay your ticket then you'd have kept your licenses.
  5. Last nights event VIP PD Escort is being uploaded to Youtube! T-98 minutes.....

  6. Posting an issue with someone is not the way things are done around here. If you have an issue, PM an admin or send in a player report.
  7. Good luck Cable... have fun where ever you end up!
  8. Yep that's right, lock and load! Corporal Wheaties is in the house!

    1. Morbain


      You jammy bugger but congrats!!!

    2. Wheatkings


      LOL Jammy Bugger?

    3. Lt_Grim626
  9. #Can'tWin - just spilled a liter of water all over my pc desk! EEEKKK!

    1. Griffinhawk
    2. Jeeroy Lenkins

      Jeeroy Lenkins

      Just be thankful it isn't Coca Cola, or any other carbonated drink for that matter.

    3. Wheatkings


      I may have gotten more water in my mouse then I thought.... its having serious issues turning left and right.... otherwise it seems like I lucked out

  10. Following Cables footsteps. To Serve & Protect Coming soon to a Altis TV station near you!

  11. Except... when calling terror? Please take the time to read the rules regarding calling terror as you were clearly not following them yesterday... For future reference, Server rule #14 is how you should proceed in the future:
  12. The proof is not in the pudding... its apparently in hours and hours of recorded video.

    1. Griffinhawk


      need more pudding

    2. Jeeroy Lenkins

      Jeeroy Lenkins

      Hello, with the pudding.

  13. Don't drop the soap!

    1. Stax


      Soap on a rope is the best kind of soap.

  14. People don't status update enough...

    1. Poseidon


      i'm about to eat dinner #food

    2. Stax
  15. Wheatkings


    I will neither confirm or deny that there is any SR drama..... but I know how you feel
  16. Wheatkings


    You are so staxy! If your looking for me on server, I'm always playing cop and generally on server 2 unless help is needed on server 1.
  17. Constable Power FTW!

  18. Being Constable + Fed Robbery! Exciting!

  19. Hello... my name is Wheatkings, I play a cop and I RP.

    1. Dustin87


      Nice to meet you. You a cadet?

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