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Zakaloko last won the day on May 22 2022

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About Zakaloko

  • Birthday 10/21/2000

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  1. Do you guys know why my game stutters on arma but i have 32gb ram

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    2. Rossco


      Keep in mind that just because you have x amount of ram, doesn’t mean you’ll automatically have better frames/performance in games. Don’t get me wrong, extra ram will always help, considering you can manage larger tasks a bit easier, but it’s not the end all be all. For Arma it’s a bit different then most games as well, this game is very CPU intensive. As some others have already pointed out, one thing that always helps arma is an SSD and exactly as mr @Mako said keeping your view distances the same. When you have an SSD it makes loading any given portion of the game faster, thus decreasing stutters like @Noahhh! said. Same thing with keeping your view distances the same, this helps keep your system running at the same distances so it doesn’t have to reload the map to your now smaller or larger distance once you get in/out of a vehicle. Overall, it’s most likely a combination of these two, as well as the possibility that you could have some outdated drivers somewhere or something like that. My 2 cents 😉

    3. Zakaloko


      my ram speed is 2933mhz and i have a i7-10700f 

    4. Mutiny


      Its because you still play.

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