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About Soviet

  • Birthday 07/05/1998

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  • Location
    The sceptred Isle

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. huhuhuhuhuh
  2. huhuhuh
  3. Ladies and gentlemen, after 400 odd hours on the server I have finally got bored of altis life. it was a pleasure playing with you all bastards on server 2. twas a pleasure robbing some of le bigger gangs solo much love and maybe we'll meet again but for now, keep farming :'D
  4. See the hostility to the ATQR community here folks. Do some research, in nature certain things are capable of switching gender; from plants to animals when the need arises, for example a female plant can change to a male plant if it feels the need. One day I woke up and found that I needed a tail rotor, cyclic, collective, pedals and throttle and I didn't have these things.. I was confused and depressed until I made my transition to becoming a helicopter capable of detecting submarines.
  5. I'm offended none of you recognize my gender as a anti submarine, search and rescue utility helicopter. please lock thread before it gets out of hand and tears are shed.
  6. No I'm Sikorsky Sea king, not attack helicopter.
  7. 184 genders. You can downvote me but it's true!
  8. Today a spokesman for the APD was quoted as saying to the press "ladies and gentlemen, we got em"
  9. Not my proudest fap.
  10. Basically it's exile but a limited exile and a dumb engagement system with rules like you cant shoot people in cuffs in some situations and other nonsense but it can be fun y'know. I play both Exile and Olympus although I'm on vacation from Olympus right now for some lil indiscretions There's very little RP but if you want a giggle just hang around kavala square there is always some funny shit happening and you occasionally meet someone chill, the very few times I've encountered some RP was in kavala so it's not all rook bangers.
  11. Soviet

    Hellooooo <3

    Oh hey, HunterBklyn. seen your stream a couple times, funny stuff
  12. Hello, I thought perhaps it's about time I made an introduction post. my name is Soviet and I'm looking for a mate of the furry variety and they must send multiple nudes on the daily. https://gyazo.com/db1e93a5b864a3be6c4266face6b95b2 Should I make a montage of random soviet moments with obligatory shitty music? feel like that's a thing here
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