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Lincoln Williams

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Everything posted by Lincoln Williams

  1. Notice the keen resemblance and the fact that both are in the bathroom....I rest my case
  2. Neither was the altis servers when it was released...they are just broadening out into a bigger player base across multiple games.
  3. Removed because I can't be bothered
  4. But that's just the thing...there's still a few cops that...have a small understanding of rp...and will simply restrain then that's it....as long as it is rped well and the cop just isn't using that as a scapegoat to issue ticket I'm fine with it. There should really be no reason to restrain unless the person shows visible threat (I.e. gun in hand/back) And furthermore...I can almost understand the "there's no real reason to wear it in real life so no reason in altis" but it's a item of clothing...ultimately it comes from the rebel shop and rebels are bad....But if it's gonna be targeted on ghillies why not on military uniforms? Or really anything that comes from the rebel clothing...Then why not any vehicle bought from there (off-road tempest etc) I just hope we aren't pushing to limit rebels travel into towns by what they choose to wear because "he's got to be up to no good"
  5. Bunch of ghillie racist propaganda here!!! On topic I feel this could lead down a bad road if handled wrong on a rp sense...if they are wearing it I feel questioning would be ok...but restraining and checking id just because they are wearing it would be fail rp. Maybe question/warning to leave town with it on or take it off as there has been reports of a grass pervert or something along those lines. Unless the person agrees to a search I feel this would be going overboard. Just my opinion
  6. Whoa bojo....get better man
  7. Wow this is still here!
  8. I vote you remove him as a friend until he does....
  9. HANDS UP PINK!!! I dunno why though....I'm back too though!!!
  10. Thank you cypher for having that as your avi
  11. I'm warning you...Tempest Peachers Union 748 will not be pleased if we see you out there without registering with us. That's our turf...oop break time
  12. Ok the second one not as entertaining as the first..wtf were you drinking sarge?
  13. Here we go down this road...n why don't we make any vehicle you buy at rebel illegal then? You can easily shoot out of any of them!
  14. The old fart loaded leathals again on accident? Someone get him some new glasses please.
  15. Aye yes....but with a high value target like that you have to expect it not to be easy....if you are willing to engage someone with the ability to actually get that high...you gotta know there is strings attached regardless... Recently I was taken in and was asking for help until....the arresting officer took my comms from me which immediately silenced my ts interaction. Was a smart move on his part but he still rushed me thru because he was worried about a guy coming was gonna do something stupid. Valid reason kinda but I felt cheated because that's all I want..And I have no bad feelings towards the officer now either because he explained it but I still felt cheated.
  16. Rofl doesn't this happen in real life too though? I know when I went to jail one time I had every excuse in the world for those silver bracelets not to be put on....dam me for being drunk walking out of the bar lol
  17. Most are amazing....pending the situation and what's going on around them at the time varies the rp aspect of it. I personally would rather go to jail for a millIon dollar bounty if I have a good rp with the cop than pay a 400 dollar ticket with a processing speed whiz. I know the values are completely different but you are getting free money for taking me down...at least rp that you got the million or the four hundred so I can give respect where it's due.
  18. He came back...time and time again....He even brought another medic that had been gone the entire time and claimed he was racist as well...Poor pryies As long as you have some to share with my colleagues and I.
  19. Welcome brother...
  20. Like the candy? I won't revive you if you been eating those either...just saying He got sent to jail in total three times that I knew of and the medics got detained to understand the situation as well...was redonkulous.
  21. Hi all just realized I didn't do one of these....most already know me for whatever reason but I still love you regardless!! Ooc I'm a otr truck driver in the states. I have my own truck and play in my man cave daily as long as my internet holds out.. Hope to see y'all on either the other end of my paddles saving your life or my gun taking it....But please don't kill me...I'm sensitive.
  22. Italian had me rolling last night... I always enjoy finding spectral laying down on the job to relieve his old age (finding you still creeped me out) And ozzy is always a pleasure to process with... There's my votes for people that deserve at least a thank you for making my time on the server that much better. And I'd still like to press charges on panda for sexual harassment please.
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