But that's just the thing...there's still a few cops that...have a small understanding of rp...and will simply restrain then that's it....as long as it is rped well and the cop just isn't using that as a scapegoat to issue ticket I'm fine with it. There should really be no reason to restrain unless the person shows visible threat (I.e. gun in hand/back)
And furthermore...I can almost understand the "there's no real reason to wear it in real life so no reason in altis" but it's a item of clothing...ultimately it comes from the rebel shop and rebels are bad....But if it's gonna be targeted on ghillies why not on military uniforms? Or really anything that comes from the rebel clothing...Then why not any vehicle bought from there (off-road tempest etc)
I just hope we aren't pushing to limit rebels travel into towns by what they choose to wear because "he's got to be up to no good"