Meh i'll do one.
Have you ever met/engaged with ISIS: Y
Have you ever met/engaged with Nerdz: Y
Have you ever met/engaged with Burban: Y
Have you ever met/engaged with KI: Y
Are you in ISIS: Y
Are you in Nerdz: N
Are you in Burban: N
Are you in KI: N
Which do you prefair?: Burban, Nerdz, ISIS or KI: KI
Why?: I'm in isis so i wasn't going to say isis, so ki is my second, been on teamspeak with them, we've been allied with them for some time now, did a massive drug run with them, 12 hemmit boxes, it was fun, great laugh i'd recommend joining them
Which do you hate the most?: Burban, Nerdz, ISIS or KI: Nerdz
Why?: Some of the members are pathetic, I Was driving 200 down a small road, with the sun glaring in my eyes so i was pritty blind anyway, So a nerdz is also going 200, I See him at the last second try get out the way he had the same idea, we both went into each other and blew up, he started crying other side asking for a comp, i decided to comp him but he still crys about it,