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Everything posted by MidgetMuncher

  2. i hav lots of niec th1ngs u dunt kn0w m3
  3. Sorry, but if you do pay for 500$ each server, it's not that smart perhaps get a cheaper one? Okay, There is a little tab on the website what says the donations i saw about 10 different donations at the weekend all over 10 How many people do we have that has donated 250$ or more? How many people do we have that has donated 100 or more? Okay 50$ or more? Exactly, So you are telling me that all that just goes into the server? If it's so expensive why did you get the wasteland server?It really wasn't needed.
  4. RIP Crook

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. wrice4
    3. EatMeth



    4. DeathDingo


      Never really had many encounters with Crook as I mostly play on Server 1 but RIP

  5. There is no mods on asylum. That was the point of this post...
  6. Yes I am actually able to feel relaxed on asylum and most other servers because the rules are not as strict and i don't have to worry about being band for the smallest thing. Another thing has anybody noticed Burban has left? (well i think they have anyway), They went off to join , and how long have they been on the server?
  7. Thomas, it's a very similar market to olympus. It's alot harder you have to pay for fuel, actually get charged for pulling cars out the garages, I've been playing it for a few hours today no one has rdmed me, medics have been great and i actually roleplayed with someone at a rebel base. Kavala is the same on all servers, That's why on every server there is always atleast one cop there, when olympus was maxed out all the time everybody knew you would get rdmed in kavala so don't make out olympus is golden because okay in the past it was a great fun server but it's getting old.
  8. Like i said, it wasn't to advertise asylum it's really not but when i got onto it today to see what the fuss was about i saw awesome features, and i looked at change log and found that, Sorry but i can't think the last time olympus had an update like this, yes we have alot of devs but what i notice they get over 100$ a day which is plenty to hire a new dev, It's really no excuse we have a test server the person can be tested on his skills and what he can do and from the beginning he can just make scripts on the test server, we can back it up so if he does fuck it up it's all saved and backed it's not that hard really, I'm sure asylum had to take risks i doubt they had so many devs from the start. And yes i do agree asylum has many more features, more things to do but i love the community this server has.
  9. This is not promoting Asylum in anyway, this is showing why most of our active and loyal members are leaving, This is all done without mods and this is called a big update, Not changing a few prices and moving the map around (No Offence) Hire a few new devs, Stop coming up with excuses of why you can't add things in and just put the donation money to good use! Okay, This is all in one update: Vehicles and weapons now have limited supply and can be crafted at factories located around the island. Prices for vehicles and weapons will adjust based on supply and demand; for example, if a certain vehicle is plentiful on the market, crafting and selling them won't earn as much money as if it had more limited supply. This also affects purchase prices in the same way. Basic vehicles and weapons are always available even if not crafted at the factory. Oil can now be gathered at an offshore oil rig. You will need to carry the oil barrels to a boat and load it in using IgiLoad. Processing the oil on land will also give a rare chance of getting rubber, an item used in vehicle crafting. Gold bars can no longer be sold in gang turfs. You will now move slow (fatigued) for 40 seconds after being revived by a civilian. Adrenaline shots will remove this fatigue. Civilians (not paramedics) will receive a short cooldown after reviving another player before they can do so again. If killed within 5 minutes of being revived, you'll usually die without the chance of being revived. The mechanics for cartel use have changed significantly, in the way that they "pay out" to the owner. We'll give more information on this later to avoid exploiting in the meantime. Ifrit and hunter tires are now less vulnerable to gunfire. Gas station robberies should now properly show on the map and pay out all the time. Delivery crate value at chop shop will scale based on time since the delivery mission began. Air delivery missions no longer exist in Stratis. Cannot set off a suicide vest unless on the ground and not in a vehicle. A new cartel, located underwater, is used to control oil production. Personal submarines can now be purchased by rebels to aid in control of the underwater control area. All points bulletin events can now randomly trigger, allowing police to better track the most wanted online fugitive. Achievements are here! You can unlock achievements by completing certain actions, and some come with rewards. All players will have their current money values adjusted based on new in-game prices. All items are significantly less expensive now, and money is adjusted to match. This means that your money might look smaller but it will buy the same amount that it would before. (1/2) A bank balance cap of $1,000,000 is now in place to help correct the economy. All income earned over this level goes into new prestige system. (2/2) Civilian prestige system are points which will increase with all money earned beyond the money cap. Prestige points do not decrease when they're "spent". Prestige points can be spent on awesome vanity rewards! This will include everything from titles up to an unarmed civilian jet for the super-rich. Titles can now be earned through prestige or achievements which will be shown alongside your nametag. New connection messages will show the names of the most prestigious players. Chat messages will show server-wide when a speedbomb detonates. Police must now purchase equipment upon death; however, police officers will be granted a base loadout for free. This means that police must spend money if they want higher-end equipment, but are still capable without doing so. You can no longer load into a medic slot if you're wanted as a civilian. Houses can now be listed for sale! If someone buys your listed house you will get the money deposited into your bank account even if you're offline. The governor can now instate the death penalty! With this active, people in jail who exceed a large threshold may be executed after a short time, although they can still be released and saved by a jury trial. Fish now have a weight when they're caught, and some achievements are tied into these weights. Bounty hunter arrests and paying your own bounty is now done at a courthouse and not police headquarters. Police income from arrests and tickets will be spread among all currently active police officers. Fixed bugs with syncing which allowed duping to take place. With rotorlib no longer being required, vehicle insurance has become a thing of the past. Tilde key can no longer be used to see the names of distant players. Name tags will now be displayed over vehicles, showing the names of all people within. Civilian bounty hunters can no longer send players to jail when they're restrained by a police officer. Fixed bug in display of new police prestige gains. Fixed some bugs with the Kavala chop shop. Police now have tactical glasses. Fixed repairing vehicle on elevated surfaces. Fixed bug which caused the load parcel option to disappear. Fixed bug in reviving where you would revive the environment. Added and changed a bunch of the police uniform and vehicle skins. (Thanks Kingsland!) Added confirmation dialog to a bunch of actions. Fixed bug where you could be teleported after getting revived. Fixed bug where undercover police rank would be shown after getting revived. The world has received a big facelift, starting with a focus on Kavala. New user interface graphics for a cleaner look to the HUD. Fixed cops not being paid when killing a wanted person. Players downed within a vehicle can no longer continue to shoot. Several item dupe bug fixes and new means for tracking/detecting dupe attempts. Medics will always spawn with NVG. You can no longer pull out helicopters without the appropriate talent. You can now sit down in chairs. Alcohol consumption is here, just don't get caught driving over the legal limit! Police have retired the justice wagons (.50 offroads).
  10. Kon Nonono the admins say that all the clothes are in the game not true it's another excuse they can add them and do retextures just some colour changes would be great and they are veryyy easy!
  11. if this server wants to survive, it needs more devs and i'm sure you have enough money to hire some unless you wasted the donation money

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup
    3. Fedot


      Trust is a Huge issue with Devs do to the sheer fact of People are not professional and you cant go up to somone over the internet and beat the shit out of said asshole

    4. SPBojo
  12. RIP Olympus 2k15

    1. JPostalMan
    2. MidgetMuncher


      Lot's of people have stopped playing.

    3. JPostalMan


      Banned probably xD

  13. Agreed the other hostage takers could have just been watching.
  14. Peter Long was the one opening the door

  15. Pfft, So difficult to watch a video?

  16. Last night at rebel was a blast! Cops are way to op now ngl

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup
    2. Fedot


      Cops are not OP with all the Rules they have Enstated Cops are not OP they Just good at game

  17. Just saying that new armour has 40% more armour than the one we had before. Add the old armour back or atleast add it to a lower tier donator so it's more fair.

    1. Big B

      Big B

      You sayin new armor from the DLC or like the GA vest post reset?

  18. Exactly it's pointless anywhere else, The only other use i could think of would be terror, and if it was implemented, i'm sure cops would have them to.
  19. Exactly, DMS scope would be perfect, and cops could have it to And i still dont see how it could possible be op to have a long ranged scope, You could have it so you have to give them 5 seconds after you sent a text informing them you're going to snipe them, by then they would be running around in circles or just hoped into their car. By the time you shoot you're going to have to be amazing skilled or lucky to hit them due to bullet delay. I would only find it useful in the warzone when you are sniping other people.
  20. I think it could add more roleplaying. It's not much difference either since it would be used on the 7.62 wepons, I was thinking it could be more usefull for cartels, as there wouldn't even be much use out of the warzone, by the time you sent the text and the bullet delay has hit in your not going to hit anything anyway, so it's not really op at all, I'd understand if it was with an llr or a lynx but with an mk,rahim or katiba it's not going to be that useful. I Was also only thinking something like the DMS which isn't that much of an increase of the current scopes.
  21. I'm sure it could work for the APD aswell, i would love to see APD with a long range scope it would make it so much more interesting when people camp the roof of the office building in kavala
  22. It could be worked aroundd
  23. Well two scopes with one that has an old varient that removes the top part of the scope, We could have one new scope the old veriant or just another marksmen scope with increased zoom, and have it work like the titan, "Hands up or be sniped" This informs the player that it's a sniper from range so they have a good chance of escape, and you would have to be in a red zone to not text which would be useless as it's mainly close quaters, I was thinking it would be great for the cartels and warzone though, It could work,
  24. I hope new scopes get added the current ones are useless at the warzone
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