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Everything posted by ClapCheeks

  1. @ Brandyn me personally, I wouldn't take this typa heat, but thats just me. #ExtendHisBanCuzYouCan
  2. It did not lmao
  3. Lmao I was just playing, I enjoyed the war points lol, and yuh when I’m on next
  4. You can’t say he has godmode if you can’t hit the mf
  5. You forgot the part where you text someone to come save you when shit goes south, couldn’t be me
  6. Classic Toncas lmao
  7. Fuck I’m retarded, didn’t even cross my mind
  8. Randomly vdm’d, just shortened it so it would fit dont judge me
  9. Post it here lol
  10. Ayo put me in this shit, merry Chrysler
  11. I’ve done one better
  12. https://youtube.com/shorts/-SO_R812wc8?feature=share And since I’m doing APD memes
  13. ill give ya a dollar, take it or leave it
  14. #NobleSucks
  15. Yep, we didn’t titan them once, and it was three of us vs 10ish of them
  16. They did war us, then we got 2 rpk’s, a titan, and 67 war points off them, and had a war KD of 24 and 3 within an hour and a half, then they ended the war lmao
  17. Dang u right, that’s why they won’t war us cuz they scared
  18. It’s the other way around, you can’t tame us, we don’t ally If anything it’s Noble in the cage, Since they ally w everyone
  19. Nah LearnHowTo on top, all the other gangs wish they were us
  20. i need that legendary donation role lmao
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