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Everything posted by PUG

  1. look no one cares but also why the fuck did you upload an 8hour clip to youtube also in the clip i dont know what the fuck im looking at because ITS FUCKING 8 HOURS LONG YOU DENT FUCKING BRICK RETARD
  2. found a pic of katheeri irl conquest


  3. @ a polite young man ^^^^^^
  4. back off retard i can turn the boxes on or off whenever i want bitch
  5. ur a fucking retard
  6. get a Mk1 and start letting it bang in Kav
  7. why are you shooting the ground
  8. go all in on green
  9. PUG


    where's my 400k retard
  10. IMG_2964.png

    1. Mighty


      Damn @ PUG   you're looking good. Did you lose some weight? 

    2. PUG


      @ Mighty  thanks for noticing 😎

  11. And You got adhd
  12. your a fucking retard
  13. the fucking rizzler
  14. I just stole it
  15. I'm black I can't vote sorry
  16. 0476f0aedd3e79276ff324f45c54997b.png 

     @ mat the w  @ T o b y

    fucking freaks

    1. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      God i had such a good time as that jukebox

    2. T o b y

      T o b y

      I didn't consent 

    3. FaXe


      lord have mercy

  17. 525B9019-916F-4857-B343-08AF258DCBBF.jpg

    Holy fuck i had a bad dream that hatchbacks rammed my box truck

    1. purge


      that's what my bed actually looks like when I take a tolerance break

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